Many students trying to increase their effective
reading speed become discouraged when they find that if they try to race through
passages faster, they fail to take what they have read. At the end, they have
been so busy "reading faster" that they cannot remember what the passage was
about. The problem is that the material they are practicing on is either too
difficult for them in vocabulary or content, or not sufficiently interesting. I
hope my following lectures will be both interesting and [填空题]Let’s hope our difficulties will soon ______(appear).
[单选题]用火期间,( )内严禁排放各类可燃液体。
A.10m B.15m C.20m D.25m [判断题]“既要改善人民生活,又要艰苦奋斗”是把两种事物调和起来的自相矛盾的提法。()
A.突发公共卫生事件不能预见 B.人为引起的突发公共卫生事件的时间分布多无规律 C.突发公共卫生事件多为突然发生,且具有不确定性 D.突发公共卫生事件的主要特征为:突发性、时间分布各异、地点分布各异、群体性、社会危害严重、应急处理的综合性 E.一般情况下,突发公共卫生事件的确切发生时间和地点具有不可预见性 [单项选择]成年人最少见的继发性肾病综合征的病因是()
A. 过敏性紫癜肾炎 B. 遗传性肾病 C. 系统性红斑狼疮肾炎 D. 淀粉样变肾病 E. 骨髓瘤性肾病 [判断题]错误操纵、使用行车设备耽误列车系指作业人员违反职业道德耽误列车或使用方法不当造成机车车辆等行车设备损坏耽误列车。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 突发事件发生后,公安机关应该在( )通过主动发布信息来引导舆论,这样才能避免信息在传播过程中被歪曲。
A. 事件得到完全解决之后 B. 情况已得到初步控制之后 C. 媒体记者提出质疑之后 D. 第一时间 [多选题] 下列哪些状况属于行驶ETC车道误报警。
A.A.非法拆卸 B.B.无电子标签 C.C.非联网区域 D.D.读卡失败 [判断题]救助型热像仪比检测型热像仪具有更高的测量精度。(易)( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]If you want to see what it takes to set up an entirely new financial center (and what is best avoided), head for Dubai. This flay, sun-baked patch of sand in the midst of a war-tom and isolated region started with few advantages other than a long tradition as a hub for Middle Eastern trade mutes.
But over the past few years Dubai has built a new financial center from nothing. Dozens of the world’s leading financial institutions have opened offices in its new financial district, hoping to grab a portion of the $2 trillion-plus investment from the Gulf. Some say there is more hype than business, but few big firms m willing to risk missing out. Dealmaking in Dubai centers around The Gate, a cube-shaped structure at the heart of the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC). A brainchild of the ruling Al-Maktoum family, the DIFC is a tax-free zone for wholesale financial services. Firms licensed for it are not approved to serve the local financial market. The DIFC aims to becom A. It is building a cluster of its own economic zones. B. It is trying to decrease the number of "suitcase bankers". C. It is very strict about granting local business licenses. D. It can’t attract the bulk of the region’s money to flow in. [单选题]创伤急救,必须遵守“三先三后”的原则,对出血伤员应该( )。
A.先止血后搬运 B.先送医院后处置 C.先搬运后止血 [单项选择]一个路段的监控系统是根据道路的特点、桥梁与隧道等大型构造物的分布、交通量以及()等因素来构架本路段的监控系统。
A. 道路长度 B. 桥梁类型 C. 气候环境 D. 隧道长度 [判断题]有限空间作业监护人应接受作业负责人在作业前的安全交底、危险点告知等内容。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]进行空白实验时空白实验应与样品测定分时进行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]具备负荷转供能力的接线方式,应充分考虑配电网发生()故障时的设备承载能力,并满足所属供电区域的供电安全水平和可靠性要求。
A. 两相短路 B. 单相接地 C. N-1 D. N-2 [单项选择]阳损及阴的病理变化为
A. 阳虚 B. 阴阳两虚 C. 阴阳两虚,阴虚为主 D. 阴阳两虚,阳虚为主 我来回答: 提交