The colorful Internet draws us to computers and brings us joy and wealth. However, it is also affecting our health, because of increased computer use. Some people humorously call these negative effects the "six destructive fists of the Internet".
First, it damages the eyes. However good your monitor is, whether it is low-radiant or LCD, you will definitely feel light-headed after a day of web-surfing.
Secondly, it damages the hands. The constant repetitious movements will make your fingers and wrists sore and aching.
Thirdly, it damages the mouth. When people are roaming in the sea of the Internet and chatting with the keyboard, the mouth is the most unused organ.
Fourthly, it hurts the back. People will sit motionless in front of computers for several hours. Their midsections and skeletal systems suffer the most.
Fifthly, it damages the stomach. It is almost impossible for web-surfers to have healthy stomachs. They
A. An unhealthy diet.
B. Irregular periods of sleep.
C. Sitting too long surfing the Internet.
D. Using good monitors.
Promptness is important in American
business, academic, and social settings. The (56) of
punctuality is taught to young children at school. Today slips and the use of
bells signal to the child that (57) and time itself are to be
respected. People who keep (58) are considered dependable. If people are late for job interviews, appointments, or classes, they are often (59) unreliable and irresponsible. In the business setting, "time is money" and companies may (60) their executive for tardiness to business meetings. Of course, it is not always possible to be punctual. Social and business etiquette also provides rules for (61) arrivals. Calling (62) the telephone if one is going to be more than a few minutes late for (63) appointments is (64) polite and is often expected. Keeping a fr A. punctuality. B. tardiness C. advent D. regularity [单项选择]患者,女性,42岁,腰部隐痛、钝痛3个月。今晨突发阵发性刀割样疼痛,辗转不安,呻吟,面色苍白,镜下血尿,应考虑为
A. 肾结石,肾绞痛 B. 阑尾炎 C. 胆石症 D. 宫外孕 E. 肠套叠 [单项选择]按国际海运标准规定,凡单件质量超过( )t,或长度超过( )m,或高度、宽度超过3m的超高或超宽货物,如车辆、大型成套设备、集装箱、快艇等均属重大件货物。
A. 30;12 B. 40;11 C. 30;11 D. 40;12 [填空题]《国网营销部关于印发供电营业厅运营管理规范(试行)的通知》中规定:营业员应熟悉国家和电力行业相关政策、法律、 法规的相关规定,掌握公司优质服务基本要求、( )、业务知识等。
A.文件从分散到集中 B.文件从零乱到系统 C.档案从分散到集中 D.档案从零乱到系统 [单项选择]人民群众创造历史要受到精神条件的制约,表现在()。
A. 不同经济制度下人民群众的经济地位不同 B. 不同政治制度下人民群众的政治地位不同 C. 人民群众容易受到一定社会条件下思想文化的影响 D. 人民群众的科技文化水平不高 [判断题]( )高锰钢整铸辙叉中,底板裂纹向内裂至轨腰,并超过轨腰与圆弧的连接点时为轻伤。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]
下列关于会计档案管理的说法中正确的有( )。
A.出纳人员不得兼管会计档案 B.会计档案的保管期限,从会计档案形成后的第一天算起 C.单位负责人应在会计档案销毁清册上签署意见 D.采用电子计算机进行会计核算的单位,应保存打印出的纸质会计档案 [单项选择]破伤风抗毒素的作用是()
A. 减少毒素的产生 B. 中和游离毒素 C. 防止出现痉挛 D. 中和与神经结合的毒素 E. 抑制破伤风杆菌繁殖 [单项选择]执行下列语句后,显示的结果为( )。
N=50 M=200 K=“M+N” 1+AK A. 1eMtN B. 251 C. I+K D. 数据类型示匹配 [单项选择]有如下程序 public class Sun { public static void main (String args[ ]) { int a=2, b=1, c=2; if (a<B) if (b<0) if (c<0) c=0; else c++; System. out.println(C) ; } } 上述程序的运行结果是( )。
A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3 [判断题]机车制动屏上按压F3为查询,按压F8为退回,按压FI为确认。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]李某扬言实施放火扰乱公共秩序,因其并未真正实施,.故李某不应受到治安管理处罚
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]电缆接头安装质量应满足以下要求()。
A. 导体连接可靠 B.绝缘恢复满足设计要求 C.接地与密封牢靠 D.护层耐压试验合格 [单选题]正确的抢救体位是俯卧位。
A.A.正确 B.B.错误 我来回答: 提交