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In the end, a degree of sanity prevailed. The militant Hindus who had vowed to breach a police cordon and start the work of building a temple to the god Ram at the disputed site of Ayodhya decided to respect a Supreme Court decision barring them from the are a. So charged have Hindu-Muslim relations in India become in recent weeks, as the declared deadline of March 15th neared, that a clash at Ram’s supposed birthplace might well have provoked bloodshed on an appalling scale across the nation. It has, unfortunately, happened often enough before.
But the threat has not vanished. The court’s decision is only an interim one, and the main Hindu groups have not given up on their quest to build their temple. Extreme religious violence, which seemed in recent years to have faded after the Ayodhya-related explosion of 1992-93, is again a feature of the political landscape. Though faults lie on both sides (it was a Muslim attack on Hindus in a tra
A. pessimistic.
B. objective.
C. scared.
D. biased.
表7-2工资、薪金所得适用的速算扣除数表 | ||||
级数 | 全月应纳税所得额 | 税率(%) | 速算扣除数 | |
l | 不超过500元的 | 5 | ||
2 | 超过500元~2000元的部分 | 10 | 25 | |
3 | 超过2000元~5000元的部分 | 15 | 125 | |
4 | 超过5000元~20000元的部分 | 20 | 375 | |
5 | 超过20000元~40000元的部分 | 25 | 1375 | |
6 | 超过40000元~60000元的部分 | 30 | 3375 | |
7 | 超过60000元~8000元的部分 | 3 A. 210 B. 570 C. 1230 D. 2130 [单选题]如果你是公司的总经理,你将授予哪种人以决策和行动的权力?()
A.参谋人员 B.直线人员 C.咨询人员 D.一线员工 [判断题]碎屑颗粒的磨圆程度随搬运距离的增加而增大。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]巷道工作面采用矿车运输排矸时,其调车的方式包括有( )。
A.错车场调车 B.平移调车器调车 C.浮放道岔调车 D.起重式调车 E.转载设备调车 [填空题]我国古代,常用“须眉”代指()?
A. 5次 B. 5.3次 C. 6次 D. 6.4次 [单选题]小批量、多品种的精细化学品的生产适用于( )过程。
A.连续操作 B.间歇操作 C.半连续操作 D.半间歇操作 [单选题]在对企业外部环境和内部环境进行综合分析时,可以运用的战略分析工具包括( )。
A.波特五力模型 B.价值链分析 C.行业吸引力测试 D.SWOT分析 [单选题]区间线路上施工,当速度大于( )km/h的线路上,应增设带“T”字的移动减速信号牌。
A.120 B.100 C.120-200 D.140-160 [单项选择]长度()km的隧道,应按相应规定设置紧急出口或避难所;长度超过20km的隧道或隧道群,应设置紧急救援站。
A. 2~20 B. 3~20 C. 5~10 [单项选择]
A. 慢性肾小球肾炎 B. 糖尿病 C. 高血压 D. 朊蛋白病 E. 高脂血症 [单项选择]