单位:万元 | ||
项 目 | A公司 | B公司 |
流动资产 | 9000 | 51000 |
非流动资产 | 27988 | |
其他非流动资产 | 1000 [填空题] Each company has many "publics’’ who should be able not only recognize its name 【21】 to correctly identify its industry and its 【22】 line. These publics include present customers and stockholders as well as banks, insurance companies, stockbrokers, and securities 【23】 who supply the company with essential services and capital.
The 【24】 names of many well-established companies can be a of misinformation, thereby 【25】 communication with them. This was the problem that faced Michigan Seamless Tube Company ― a company with sales of $128 million a year. In the first 【26】 ,the company’’s name tells us that it is located in Michigan 【27】 that it manufactures seamless tubing. What the name does not 【28】 to most people is the fact Michigan Seamless Tube also has operations in five 【29】 states and has a varied product line ― specialty forgings, broaching machines, tools, and steel bars ― in addition to seamless tubing. The problem was 【30】 by the company’’s 【31】 , which operated 【32】 t
A. A.managements B.managerial C.managers D.management [单选题]下列常用作抗溃疡药的是( )
A.钙拮抗剂 B.H 1受体拮抗剂 C.β受体阻断剂 D.H 2受体拮抗剂 E.α受体阻断剂 [单项选择]The repression in the Netherlands, instead of solving a crucial problem, elicited bitter criticism from every major European state. Alba was unrepentant about his tough policy convinced that the population must remain in a state of fear, so that every individual has the feeling that one fine night or morning the house will fall in on him.
Of the leading dissidents who escaped from Alba’s hands, only William of Orange remained. Tall, dark-haired, with a small moustache and a short peaked beard, the prince of Orange-Nassau was aged thirty-five at the moment that fortune left him in the unenviable role of defender of his country. A comrade-in-arms of Philip during the latter’s years abroad in mid-century, he never made a secret of his concern for the privileges of his class or of his dislike for religious dogmatism. Widowed in 1558, in 1561 he married Anne, the Lutheran daughter of the late Maurice of Saxony. The marriage, celebrated in Leipzig, gave him a useful link with the prince A. minor European states. B. Alba. C. William of Orange D. all of the above. E. none of the abov [单选题]在试验和推广新技术、新工艺、新设备、新材料的同时,应制定相应的( ),经本单位批准后执行。
A.组织措施 B.技术措施 C.安全措施 D.应急措施 [简答题]线路钢轨(焊缝)折断时什么情况下进行临时处理?
A.系统误差 B.粗大误差 C.方法误差 D.随机误差 [单项选择]新时期最突出的标志是______。
A. 改革开放 B. 快速发展 C. 与时俱进 D. 实事求是 E. 解放思想 [判断题]底温曲是形成酱香型白酒白酒风格的基础。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]影响碱液氧化塔进料温度的因素及处理方法?
[单选题]以南宁地铁2号线电客车为例,每个转向架设有( )个踏面制动单元。
A.2个 B.3个 C.4个 D.5个 [单选题] 使用绝缘电阻表测量绝缘电阻前后,应将被测设备( ) (1.0分)
A. 对地放电 B. 充电 C. 充、放电 D. 短接 [单选题]判断小儿体格发育最常用的指标是
A. 动作发育能力 B. 语言发育程度 C. 智能发育水平 D. 神经反射发育 E. 体重、身高、头围 [单项选择]肛裂常发生于肛管的()
A. 前正中位 B. 后正中位 C. 左侧 D. 右前位 E. 左后位 [判断题]( ) 硫化氢检测仪警报的功能测试至少每周1次。(按t教材)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列哪项不属于康复医学的主要内容
A. 康复基础学 B. 康复机能评定 C. 社区康复 D. 康复治疗学 E. 临床诊断学 [判断题]动火工作负责人负责布置、完成动火作业应做的安全措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]组织或者参与本单位安全生产教育和培训,是生产经营单位机构以及安 全生产管理人员的工作职责。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交