Both bus and tree topologies are characterized by the use of multipoint () . For the bus, all stations attach, through appropriate hardware () known as a tap, directly to a linear transmission medium, or bus. Full-duplex operation between the station and the tap allows data to be transmitted onto the bus and received fromthe () . A transmission from any station propagates the length of the medium in both directions and can be received by all other () . At each end of the bus is a () , which absorbs any signal, removing it from the bus.
Both bus and tree topologies are characterized by the use of multipoint().
Section Ⅱ Reading Comprehension Part A Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A,B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points) Text 1 In sixteenth-century Italy and eighteenth-century France, waning prosperity and increasing social unrest led the ruling families to try to preserve their superiority by withdrawing from the lower and middle classes behind barriers of etiquette. In a prosperous community, on the other hand, polite society soon absorbs the newly rich, and in England there has never been any shortage of books on etiquette for teaching them the manners appropriate to their new way of life. Every code of etiquette has contained three elements= basic moral duties; practical rules which promote efficiency; and artificial, optional graces such as formal compliments to, say, women on their beauty or superiors on their generosity and importance. In the first category are considerati
A. a knight should never have physical relationship with women.
B. a knight should inspire his lady to valiant deeds.
C. a knight should dedicate his valiant deeds to a woman.
D. romantic people should influence literature.
财务比率 |
2001年同行业 |
2001年本公司 |
2002年本公司 |
应收账款回收期(天) |
35 |
36 |
36 |
存货周转率 |
2.5 |
2.59 |
2.11 |
销售毛利率 |
38% |
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]从管理学的角度,选聘的管理人员应具备的基本条件是()。
A.管理愿望和管理能力 B.管理愿望和业务知识 C.管理能力和业务知识 D.业务知识和规划能力 [单选题]正面战场执行片面抗战路线,敌后战场实行人民抗战路线,实质上是两者的( )。
A. 阶级本质不同 B. 作战方案不同 C. 战略战术不同 D. 认识水平不同 [判断题]四显示自动闭塞区段进站色灯信号机,一个黄色闪光和一个黄色灯光表示,准许列车按限速要求经道岔直向位置进入站内正线准备停车
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]阿托品的适应证包括( )
A. 全身麻醉前给药 B. 虹膜睫状体炎 C. 缓慢型心律失常 D. 胃肠绞痛 E. 感染性休克 [单选题]执行票价是指( ),执行票价不得高于公布票价。
A.无折扣的全价票 B.执行票价 C.优惠票票价 D.实际发售的全价票 [单项选择]MS将不执行自动小区重选,要想网络发送测量报告,并由网络控制的网络控制模式为()。
A. NC0 B. NC1 C. NC2 D. NC3 [单选题]32.属于缺血性脑血管病的是
A.脑出血 B.脑血栓形成 C.蛛网膜下腔出血 D.大脑中动脉出血 E.豆纹动脉出血 [多选题]必须带电灭火时,应穿戴()等防护装备,并采取正确技战术方法。
A.电绝缘服 B.绝缘靴 C.绝缘手套 D.隔热服 [多选题] 依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSSG 510001-2015)第6.7.3.1条规定:使用线路第一种工作票在某10kV线上工作中,施工班组与运行班组办理了工作间断手续,下列说法正确的是( )。
A.工作间断时工作地点的全部接地线可保留不动 B.工作班人员需暂时离开工作地点必须采取安全措施必要时派人看守 C.复工前应检查各项安全措施的完整性 D.如果工作票数日内有效每日收工时若将工作地点所装设的接地线拆除次日恢复工作前应重新验电、接地 [判断题]儿童票的座别应与成人车票相同,其到站不得远于列车的终到站。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题].手抬机动消防泵发动机排管冒黑烟且放炮的原因是( )。
A.混合气过浓 B.机油窜入燃烧室 C.混合气过稀 D.发动机温度过高 我来回答: 提交