First, the spotted owl was threatened
by logging in the Pacific Northwest. Now it’s in danger from a new enemy, the
barred owl. Barred owls have been moving to the Northwest from the eastern part
of the United States. Stan Sovern has studied spotted owls. Now when he calls
for spotted owls, barred owls are starting to appear. Sovern threw a mouse on
the ground, and a barred owl grabbed it. Scientists have learned that spotted owls start to vanish when barred owls come. Some barred and spotted owls have mated and produced hybrid babies. One spotted owl was killed by a barred owl. Professor Ned K. Brown of the University of California-Berkeley says, "In some areas of Washington, the barred owls moved into very dense, deep woods. The time kind of woods that are opened up, or destroyed by logging, that adversely influences the A. in the northeastern United States B. on seven million acres of public land C. two decades ago D. to save the barred owls [单选题]上甑前先加锅底水,在安防甑桶并在甑底均匀撒上湿稻壳,将气压调整到( )范围内即可开始上甑。
A.0.1-0.2 MpA. B.0.01-0.02 MpA. C.0.10-0.12 MpA. D.0.01-0.2 MpA. [判断题]1.(判断题)特种设备生产、使用单位的主要负责人应当对本单位特种设备的安全和节能全面负责。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]雷电时,禁止测量线路绝缘。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]冻伤急救时,将伤员身上潮湿的衣服剪去后用干燥柔软的衣服覆盖,并立即烤火或搓雪。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]腐蚀是指物质表面与腐蚀性物质接触后,发生化学反应而受到破坏的现象。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]变压器在电力系统中的主要作用是( )。
A.变换电压,以利于功率的传输 B.变换电压,可以减少线路损耗 C.变换电压,可以改善电能质量 D.变换电压,扩大送电距离送电 [名词解释]五体投地
A. 工作票制度 B. 工作许可制度 C. 正确的图纸 D. 操作票制度 [单选题]气动执行机构的作用形式有( )。
A.正作用和反作用 B.气开和气关 C.薄膜式和活塞式 [单选题]巡视人员在巡视过程中发现充电机、充电桩外壳有漏电、设备响声异常、产生烟雾火花及()缺陷时,应立即停止巡视,对充电桩进行断电处理,采取相应安全措施,并上报充电设施单位。
A.A.其他 B.B.一般 C.C.明显 D.D.严重 [判断题]根据不同的电压等级和不同的作业性质,带电作业必须采用电压等级相符的并定期检验合格的绝缘工具。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]CRH2型动车组用水设备包括:洗手盆、卫生间、( )等。( )
A.饮水机 B.照明装置 C.洗面镜 D.皂液盒 [单项选择]我国实行两审终审制度,第二审法院对上诉案件作出裁判后,该裁判发生的效力不包括( )。
A. 当事人不得再行上诉 B. 须在法定的上诉期限内提起 C. 对具有给付内容的裁判具有强制执行的效力 D. 不得就同一诉讼标的,以同一事实和理由再行起诉 [多选题]条形码优点包含()
A.通用性好 B.输入速度快 C.可靠性高 D.灵活实用 我来回答: 提交