M: Ruth Peters is a child psychologist, hey, Ruth, good morning. Nice to have you back.
W: Good morning, Matt.
M: I look at it like the roles for photos online are a little bit like the roles for wearing a microphone around here. If you don’t want someone to hear it, you don’t say while you are wearing a microphone, If you don’t want someone to see the pictures, don’t put them online.
W: There is absolutely no control once it goes online. I don’t care ff it says it’s personal, it’s private, whatever. Once it’s on there, somebody can actually copy it, paste it to their own website or into their own computer. And even if you sanitize that site afterward, those people still have it.
M: And if you are a parent, and you’ve got teenagers, daughters, sons, this Facebook craze, and this MySpace craze is part of their daily socialization, how do you convince them that what can seem fun at one moment can
A. Frequently change their passwords of online accounts.
B. Put their photos online frequently and randomly.
C. Guarantee the decency of language on their sites.
D. Use their real full name for their online account.
So what is depression Depression is
often more about anger turned (1) than it is about sadness.
But it’s usually (2) as sadness. Depression
can (3) at all ages, from childhood to old age, and it’s the
United States’ No. 1 (4) problem. When someone is depressed, her behavior (5) change and she loses interest in activities she (6) enjoyed (like sports, music, friendships). The sadness usually lasts every day for most of the day and for two weeks or more. What (7) depression A (8) event can certainly bring (9) depression, but some will say it happens (10) a specific cause. So how do you know if you’re just having a bad day (11) are really depressed Depression affects your (12) , moods, behavior and even your physical health. These changes often go (13) A. on B. down C. inward D. up [单选题]367. 电子客票换票,由于票面不清楚或车票不可用时,售票员应( )。《汇编》
A.作废,重新换票 B.原退,重新购票 C.作废,重新购票 D.退现金 [单选题]【单选题】2021 年 4 月 2 日,“( )”号最大下潜深度达到 7709 米,创造了我国无人无缆潜水
器 AUV 下潜深度的新纪录。 A. 蛟龙 B. 潜龙 C. 悟空 D. 深海 [单选题]甲将其所有的房屋出租给乙,双方口头约定租金为每年5万元,乙可以一直承租该房屋, 直至乙去世。房屋出租后的第二年,乙为了经营酒店,经甲同意,对该房屋进行了装修,共花费 6万元。一天晚上,一失控的汽车撞到该房屋,致使其临街的玻璃墙毁损,肇事司机驾车逃逸, 乙要求甲维修,甲拒绝,乙便自行花费1万元予以维修。现甲乙发生纠纷,均欲解除合同,但就 如何解除意见不一。
A.由乙无条件拆除,费用由乙自理 B.装修物归甲所有,且甲无须支付费用 C.装修物归甲所有,且甲应当支付全部装修费用 D.若装修物可以拆除则拆除,不能拆除的,可折价后归甲所有 [简答题]>北京某轧钢厂今年八月份产量为20000t,检验量为20090t,中间甩废为80t,投料20500t,计算(1)该厂八月份的成材率,(2)该厂八月份的合格率。
解:(1)成材率:20000÷20500=97.56% 2)合格率:20000÷(20090+80)×100%=99.16% [单选题]特高压串补装置主要设备不含( )。
A.限流熔断器 B.金属氧化物限压器 C.旁路断路器 D.限流阻尼装置 [单项选择]积极参与社会主义民主政治建设,是我国公民政治生活的有机构成部分。这是因为发展社会主义民主政治()。
A. 是社会主义现代化建设的重要目标 B. 要坚持党的领导、人民当家作主和依法治国的有机统一 C. 依法行使政治权利履行政治义务 D. 必须依法实行民主选举、决策、管理和监督 [单选题]我们把提供电能的装置叫做( ).
A.电源 B.电动势 C.发电机 D.电动机 [单选题] 破伤风病人最早出现的表现是()
A.反射亢进 B.角弓反张 C.苦笑面容 D.牙关紧闭 E. .手足抽搐 [判断题]机车信号由L3、L2、L、LU、U2、U2S、UUS码变为白灯,不允许列车按规定速度越过变灯时前方第一架信号机。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]氯丙嗪治疗精神失常疗效最好的是()
A. 躁狂症 B. 抑郁症 C. 精神分裂症 D. 神经官能症 E. 以上都不对 [多选题]人民警察遇有下列()情形,经警告无效的,可以使用驱逐性、制服性警械。
A.聚众扰乱车站的 B.危害公共安全,需要当场制止的 C.以暴力方法阻碍人民警察依法履行职责的 D.逮捕犯罪分子过程中,犯罪分子自伤的 [多选题]刘某从银行取款离开时,遭到持刀歹徒拦路抢劫。刘某被歹徒刺伤后喊叫求救,路过的 出租车司机胡某、附近中介员工梁某听到呼救后,先后拨打 110 电话报警,但 110 值班人员让
报警人给 120 打电话,而 120 让给 110 打电话。110 值班接警人员在一个多小时后才指示附近派 出所出警。派出所在接到出警通报后十分钟内赶到现场,但此时刘某因失血过多已经死亡。以 下说法正确的有: A.110 报警服务台下达处警指令不及时 B.派出所出警不及时 C.110 报警服务台应同时向分管负责人报告情况 D.110 报警服务台值班民警犯有玩忽职守罪 [判断题] 人民警察对查获或者到案的违法嫌疑人应当进行安全检查,发现管制刀具、武器、易燃易爆等危险品的,应当立即予以扣押。安全检查需要开具检查证。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]企业可以自行决定实行不定时工作制 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]1928年初,斯大林视察西伯利亚农村后说,苏维埃制度不能长久建立在两种不同的基础上,即“联合的社会主义工业化的工业和以生产资料私有制为基础的个体小农经济”。这种认识在实践中体现为()
A. 提出了第一个五年计划 B. 建立城乡市场交换关系 C. 实行农业生产关系改造 D. 加快重工业的发展速度 [判断题]驾驶人一边驾车,一边吸烟对安全行车无影响。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]业扩报装工作必须由客户方或施工方熟悉环境和电气设备的人员配合进行。要求客户方或施工方进行现场安全交底,做好相关安全技术措施;确认工作范围内的安全措施符合现场工作需要。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]( )应正确及时地编制、布置调车作业计划。
A.收藏; B.不破坏假币形态; C.用于现金处理设备检测; D.以便用于假币实际操作考试。 [单项选择]New Year Traditions
"Happy New Year!", that greeting will be said and heard for at least the first couple of weeks as a new year gets under way. But the day celebrated as New Year’s Day in modem America was not always January 1. Ancient New Years The celebration of the New Year is the oldest of all holidays. It was first observed in ancient Babylon about 4000 years ago. In the years around 2000 BC, the Babylonian New Year began with the first New Moon (actually the first visible crescent) after the Vernal Equinox (first day of spring) . The beginning of spring is a logical time to start a new year. After all, it is the season of rebirth, of planting new crops, and of blossoming. January 1, on the other hand, has no astronomical or agricultural significance. It is purely arbitrary. The Babylonian New Year celebration lasted for eleven days. Each day had its own particular mode of celebration, but it is safe to say that modern New Year’s Eve f A. Around 2000 B. C.. B. 4,000 years ago. C. 153 B. C.. D. 46 B. C.. 我来回答: 提交