"Wash every day and you’ll die young,
my son!" People often said those words; long ago, of course. Napoleon’s wife had
new clothes every month, instead of a bath. ("It’s quicker," She always said).
Rich people did not often have a bath. They washed their hands and faces, but
not their bodies. Many poor people did not wash at all. A young man once said to
a doctor; "Soap and water have never touched my body." (And the doctor answered.
"That’s true. I know... ") why didn’t people wash in those days long ago Well, they did not have water in their house. They carried water from rivers or from holes in the ground ( = wells). Towns people bought it from a water--carrier. Sometimes it was expensive; and soap was always expensive. They drank water, of course; and so they were clean inside. They did not think about the outside! An A. often died young B. did not often have a bath C. washed every day D. washed every day and died young [多项选择]安装实施期需收集的信息包括()。
A. 与设备工程有关的设计图纸及概预算 B. 承包商的人员、设备及水、电、气等的动态信息 C. 承包商的管理程序 D. 工程需遵循的相关法律、法规和规范、规程 E. 有关质量检验、控制的技术法规和质量验收标准 [单项选择]A: Was the Green Day concert good
B: Yes, I enjoy () kind of music A. this B. that C. it D. those [多选题]发现伤员意识不清、瞳孔扩大无反应、呼吸、心跳停止时,应立即在(),用()支持呼吸和循环,对脑、心重要脏器供氧。
A. A.现场就地抢救 B.B.心肺复苏法 C.C.呼吸机 D.D.氧气瓶 [多项选择]关于心脏大小的估测,不正确的为()
A. 最常用的方法为心脏最大横径与胸廓最大横径的比率,即"心胸比率" B. 心脏横径是心尖平面心脏最大横径 C. 胸廓横径以左膈顶水平的内径为准 D. 在充分吸气后摄片,正常成人心胸比率为55%以下 E. 未成年人心胸比率可能小些 [单选题]客车上水工要坚持“( )”的方针。
A.以人为本,安全第一 B.安全第一,预防为主 C.安全第一,防消结合 D.服务旅客 [多项选择]以下哪些因素减少胆固醇合成()
A. 饥饿 B. 低热量饮食 C. 高热量 D. 肝吸收胆固醇较多 E. 脂肪 [单项选择]How to Retire Earlier
It’s every working staff’s dream: saying goodbye to the daily grind while you still have your own teeth. In our early retirement fantasies, we’re traveling the world, healthy and in the prime of our lives, visiting those hard-to-pronounce countries we’ve always talked about and sampling the finest local fare. Retirement-related Problems Surveys show that more than half of workers between the ages of 30 and 50 plan to retire before they’re 60. But there’s only one problem with this wishful thinking: Retiring early is easy, but making your money last is hard. One problem with saving up for early retirement is that we tend not to think beyond those first few glorious years of good health and full checking accounts—we don’t do the long-term math. If the average male life expectancy is 75.2 and we retire at 55, then our savings, and stock market investments need to last for 20 years. And what if we live even longer than average A. Because old people tend to sleep more than average. B. Because old people’s health usually fails during that time. C. Because the life after retirement could be very long or very short. D. Because some old People cannot endure major surgeries. [单项选择]刘某,男性,26岁。被踢及下腹部后,即刻发生腹痛、排尿困难,尿道口少量滴血,由亲属陪同来院急诊。
最重要的治疗措施为______ A. 抗感染 B. 手术探查 C. 止痛 D. 导尿管引流 E. 输血、输液 我来回答: 提交