Internet shopping is a new way of
shopping. Nowadays, you can shop for just about anything from your armchair. All
you need is a computer which is linked to the Internet. Shopping on the Internet
is becoming increasingly popular. In the United States. people spent over US$2.5
billion on Internet shopping in 1998. This figure is expected to reach USS11
billion by the year 2004. People can shop for a variety of products on the Internet. Physical products include items such as books, CDs, clothes and foods. These types of products are the most common purchases through the Internet. You can also buy information products such as on-line news or magazine stories, or you can download computer software through the Internet. Services such as booking airline tickets, reserving hotels or renting cars are also available on the Internet. Yo A. customers cannot actually see the products they are buying B. customers cannot check the product’s quantity they are buying C. many people miss the opportunity to talk to their friends D. some people are worded about paying for goods using credit cards [单选题]AE003 ( )m的数据是皮尺的测量上限。
A.15 B.20 C.25 D.26 [简答题]什么是纤维束?如何控制工艺参数以减少纤维束含量?
A. 赵律师作为中方当事人的诉讼代理人,可以依照上述公约请求甲国法院调取所需的证据 B. 调取证据的请求,应以请求书的方式提出 C. 请求书应通过我国外交部转交甲国的中央机关 D. 中国驻甲国的领事代表在其执行职务的区域内,可以在不采取强制措施的情况下向华侨取证 [单选题]钩螺栓拧紧后满帽露丝,螺杆顶部不高出基本轨( )为优良。
A.25mm B.20mm C.15mm D.10mm [单选题]哪种对地拍摄或成像的无人机任务设备基本不会受到云层与雾霾的影响
A. 可见光CCD B. 红外摄像机 C. 合成孔径雷达 [判断题] 当多根接地体相互靠拢时,入地电流的流散作用加强。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]倾斜井巷内使用串车提升时,应在变坡点下方略大于( )列车长度的地点,设置能够防止未连挂的车辆往下跑车的挡车栏。
A.1 B.2 C.3 [单选题]止血带止血法适用于以下( )。
A.A、、四肢大动脉出血 B.B、胸腹部出血C、无所谓D、头面部出血 [单项选择]育龄妇女增补叶酸主要()。
A. 预防胎儿畸形 B. 预防妇女心脏病 C. 预防胎儿贫血 D. 提高妇女食欲 [单选题]电力系统在很小的干扰下,能独立地恢复到它初始运行状况的能力,称为()。
A.初态稳定 B.静态稳定 C.系统的抗干扰能力 D.动态稳定 [多项选择]根据《治安管理处罚法》的规定,()的经营管理人员,违反安全规定,致使该场所有发生安全事故危险,经公安机关责令改正,拒不改正的,给予治安管理处罚
A. 旅馆、饭店 B. 影剧院、娱乐场 C. 运动场 D. 展览馆 [单选题]
由于支架与底座有缝隙而造成抽油机整机振动的处理方法是:( )并重新紧固。 A.在基础墩与底座之间加斜铁 B.紧固地脚螺栓 C.用金属薄垫片找平 D.更换抽油机 [单选题]交流滤波器(并联电容器)退出运行后再次投入运行前,应满足()要求。
A.A.电容器充电时间 B.B.电容器输送功率 C.C.电容器放电时间 D.D.电容器充放电时间 [单选题]在多人落水需要施救,应按()的顺序进行救援。
A.先近后远,先水面后水下 B.先远后近,先水面后水下 C.先近后远,先水下后水面 D.先远后近,先水下后水面 我来回答: 提交