If you want to buy a property in France,
whether it is a permanent house or a holiday apartment, it is important to open
a French bank account. Although it is possible to pay on traveller’s
cheques, Eurocheques and credit cards issued by British banks, the fees for
these services can be expensive. The simplest way to pay regular bills, such as electricity, gas, or telephone, particularly when you are not in residence, is by direct debit from your French account. To open a current account, you will need to show your passport and birth certificate and to provide your address in your native country. You will be issued with a cheque book within weeks of opening the account. In F A. opening a French bank account B. transferring money from Britain C. cashing traveller’s cheques or Eurocheques D. using credit cards issued by British banks [填空题]
In this section, you will hear one passage once. You are required to make some necessary notes when you listen to it. After you hear the passage, you should complete the summary below using the exact words you hear from the recording, not exceeding three words in each blank. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet. Although the architect’s {{U}} (21) {{/U}} is primarily focused on
design, in practice the architect is about a lot of other things. The more
{{U}} (22) {{/U}} you can get in these other areas, the better prepared
you will be for the future ahead. I think it is going to be a future with a lot
of change.
You need to know the whole business side of {{U}} (23) {{/U}}. You need to be able to talk about business to clients and pick up on the trends of business. We also need to have scientific {{U}} (24) {{/U}}. I think that we need to continue to be a {{U}} (25) {{/U}} of knowledge. Having greater kn [单选题]在柴油机燃料供给系中,喷油压力的大小取决于( )。
A.发动机的转速 B.节气门的大小 C.喷油泵的柱塞行程 D.喷油器弹簧的预紧力 [单选题]营业厅客户休息区应配置客户书写桌(书写区纸、笔完好可用 )、便民箱(常用药、针线包、老花镜、剪刀等物品完好齐全)、( )、饮用水(饮水杯齐全、桶装水更换温馨提示),便民雨伞。
A.宣传资料 B.咨询台 C.停电公告 D.休息座椅 [单项选择]下列不属于清河坊晚清“六大家”的医馆是?()
A. 朱养心膏药店 B. 胡庆余堂 C. 叶种德堂 D. 方回春堂 [简答题]旅游经济与文化有何联系和影响?
全。①定期测定舱内的温湿度;②按时测排水沟污水井;③定时开舱通风;④定时下舱检查货物 A. ②③④ B. ①②③④ C. ①②③ D. ①② [单选题]第 234 题, 本小题 1 分
禁止开采含()和砷等有毒有害物质超过规定标准的煤炭。 A. 铅 B. 汞 C. 氮 D. 含放射性 [单选题]测量500v以下设备的绝缘应选用( )的摇表。
A.2500v B.1000v C.5000v [多项选择]甲公司为乙公司及丙公司的母公司;丙公司与丁公司共同出资组建了戊公司,在戊公司的股权结构中,丙公司占45%,丁公司占55%。投资合同约定,丙公司和丁公司共同决定戊公司的财务和经营政策。上述公司之间构成关联方关系的有( )。
A. 甲公司与乙公司 B. 甲公司与丙公司 C. 乙公司与丙公司 D. 丁公司与戊公司 E. 丙公司与戊公司 [单选题] SW —220K 型转向架空气弹簧盖板上最多可加( )调整垫板。
A. 20 mr 。 B.30 mm C. 40 mm D. 50 mm [单选题]单选题:
中国引进的第一部美剧是下列哪一部海洋题材的科幻剧? _______ A.《海底两万里》 B.《火星叔叔马丁》 C.《未来世界》 D.《大西洋底来的人》 难度 2 [判断题]在太钢绩效评价结果为84分,属于良好。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交