The Warranty Holdings Group, a European leader in
mechanical breakdown insurance and a researcher and commentator on trends in
motoring, says that the motorists’ world 20 years from now will be marked by
more cars, more choice and more technology. Built-in safety features will
increase and will include night-vision and collision-avoidance system, and
monitoring devices to stop drivers falling asleep at the wheel. A growth in tele-working and home shopping should cut the numbers of trips in a car made by most motorists and "fun" sports cars will become popular as private motoring becomes more recreational in nature. The survey results A. can be very optimistic B. are more likely to be disappointed than satisfied C. will have to be patient D. should be cautious [单项选择]前列腺指诊急性前列腺炎的特点:
A. 前列腺肿胀饱满,并有明显压痛 B. 前列腺增大,中央沟消失,无压痛 C. 前列腺增大,质不均,无弹性及压痛 D. 前列腺大小正常,或稍大或稍小,硬度增加或有结节可有压痛 E. 前列腺缩小,质坚韧光滑无压痛 [单项选择]入口活套内CPC对中精度为()。
A. +/-5mm B. +/-2mm C. +/-1mm D. +/-3mm [多项选择]控制混杂偏倚可以采取下列哪些措施?()
A. 多因素分析方法 B. 在选择好研究组之后,根据研究组各个个体的特征来选择对照组 C. 在设计阶段,可采用限制研究对象的特征的方法 D. 资料分析阶段控制混杂因素采用分层分析的方法 E. 尽量收集客观指标的资料 [判断题]所有的法定期间的最后一日为节假日的,以节假日后的第一日为期满日期。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列哪种情况适合于用131I治疗( )
A.年龄>25岁的甲亢 B.有重度浸润性突眼 C.甲亢合并妊娠 D.胸骨后甲状腺肿伴甲亢 E.白细胞计数<3×109/L [单项选择]最合理的治疗是
A. 促排卵治疗 B. 抗生素治疗 C. 人工授精 D. 免疫抑制剂 E. 试管婴儿 [判断题]X线管可分为固定阳极X线管和旋转阳极X线管。
A. 酸、碱 B. 碘伏 C. 75%酒精 D. 来苏水 [单选题]ZDJ9道岔控制电路中的BHJ在三相电源断相时落下(),用以保护电机。
A.构通1DQJ自闭电路 B.切断1DQJ自闭电路 C.切断1DQJ励磁电路 D.构通1DQJ励磁电路 [单选题]进给箱内的齿轮和轴承,除了用齿轮溅油法进行润滑外,还可用( )润滑。
A.浇油 B.弹子油杯 C.油绳 D.油脂杯 [单项选择]甲给机场打电话谎称“3架飞机上有炸弹”,机场立即紧急疏散乘客,对飞机进行地毯式安检,3小时后才恢复正常航班秩序。关于本案,下列哪一选项是正确的?()
A. 为维护社会稳定,无论甲的行为是否严重扰乱社会秩序,都应追究甲的刑事责任 B. 为防范危害航空安全行为的发生,保护人民群众,应以危害公共安全相关犯罪判处甲死刑 C. 从事实和法律出发,甲的行为符合编造、故意传播虚假恐怖信息罪的犯罪构成,应追究其刑事责任 D. 对于散布虚假信息,危及航空安全,造成国内国际重大影响的案件,可突破司法程序规定,以高效办案取信社会 [单选题]富含脂类和脂溶性维生素的谷类部位是( )。
A.谷皮 B.糊粉层 C.胚芽 D.胚乳 [判断题]生长一般是指小儿整体和各器官的长大,可测出其量的增加;发育指细胞、组织、器官功能的成熟的过程。( )
A (51) of foreign words still look like
foreign words; there are often expressions which
(52) originally used by people who wanted to sound particularly well-educated. It was the desire to be scholarly that brought (53) a wave of Latin terms which appeared in the 16th century (54) the Humanist movement brought new impetus to learning throughout Europe. (55) such as, e. g. (from the Latin meaning a voluntary example); PS (meaning" added after the latter has been written" ); a.m. and (56) ( meaning "before noon" and" after noon" ) came into the language at this time. Nowadays they are (57) common that most people don’t even know (58) the letters actually stand for and there’s certainly nothing learned about using them today ! In addition to the words brought to English (59) foreigners, there are plenty of words which the British have collected from the countries they have settled [单项选择]患者,女,26岁,已婚。胃脘痞满,不思饮食,频频泛恶,干呕,大便秘结,舌红少津,脉细弱。其病机是()
A. 脾阴不足 B. 胃阴不足 C. 胃燥津亏 D. 胃热炽盛 E. 肝胃不和 [多项选择]针对同一交易同时实施控制测试和细节测试,注册会计师不能实现双重目的的是( )。
A. 将询问与检查或重新执行结合使用,通常能够比仅实施询问和观察获取更高的保证 B. 将询问与其他审计程序结合使用,以获取呆于控制运行有效性的审计证据 C. 仅经过询问和观察程序往往不足以测试内部控制的运行有效性,还需要检查能够证明此类控制在所审计期间的其他时段有效运行的文件和凭证,以获取充分、适当的审计证据 D. 注册会计师通过检查某笔交易的发票可以确定其是否经过适当的授权,也可以获取关于该交易的金额、发生时间等细节证据 [单选题]在SDH传输体系中,线路信号的速率是2488.320MBit/s应该是属于( )级;
A.A、STM-1 B.B、STM-4 C.C、STM-16 D.D、STM-32 [填空题]Smoking, which may be a pleasure for some people, is a serious source of discomfort for their fellows. Medical authorities express their 【B1】 about the effect of smoking on the health not only 【B2】 those who smoke but also of those who do not. In fact, nonsmokers who must involuntarily inhale the air polluted by the tobacco smoke may 【B3】 more than the smokers themselves.
As you are doubtless aware, a considerable number of our students have 【B4】 an effort to 【B5】 the university to ban smoking in the classrooms. I believe they are entirely right in their aim. 【B6】 .I would hope that it is possible to achieve this by 【B7】 on the smokers to use good judgment and show concern for others rather than 【B8】 regulation.
Smoking is prohibited by city laws in theaters and in halls used for showing films as well as in laboratories 【B9】 there may be a fire hazard. Elsewhere, it is up to your good sense.
I am therefore asking you to maintain "No Smoking" in the auditoriums and classr
A. A.joined B.directed C.joined in D.directed at [判断题]《安全生产法》具有使用范围的广泛性、法律制度的基本性、法律规范的概括性的特点,其主要解决安全生产领域中普遍存在的基本法律问题
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]同步电动机采用能耗制动时,将运行中的定子绕组电源断开,并保留转子励磁绕组的()。
A.A.直流励磁 B.B.交流励磁 C.C.电压 D.D.交直流励磁 我来回答: 提交