Dried Foods{{/B}} Centuries ago, man discovered that removing moisture {{U}} (51) {{/U}} food helped to preserve it, and that the easiest way to do this was to expose the food to the sun and wind. In this {{U}} (52) {{/U}} the North American Indians produce dried meat and make it into cakes, the Scandinavians make {{U}} (53) {{/U}} fish and the Arabs make dried dates. All foods contain {{U}} (54) {{/U}}, cabbage and other leaf vegetables contain as much as 93% water, potatoes and other root vegetables 80%, lean meat 75%, and fish anything from 80% to 60% depending {{U}} (55) {{/U}} how fatty it is. If this water is {{U}} (56) {{/U}}, the activity of the bacteria which causes food to go bad is stopped. Now day most foo A. with B. on C. in D. for [单项选择]含亚铁盐地下水抽出地面后呈现()
A. 黄色 B. 绿色或黄绿色 C. 黄褐色 D. 黑色 E. 蓝色 [单选题] 社会主义民主的本质是( )
A. 人民当家作主 B. 解放和发展生产力 C. 消灭剥削和压迫 D. 促进人的自由全面发展 [单选题]传感器,空速管探头和静压孔防冰使用的是:
A.电加温 B.热空气 [多选题]配电箱箱门应标注(____)。
A.项目名称 B.“有电危险”警告标志 C.电工姓名 D.联系电话 [填空题]道岔尖轨被轧伤,轮缘有( )的危险时,应及时修理或更换。
[单项选择]What do the extraordinarily successful companies have in common To find out, we looked for operations. We know that correlations are not always reliable; nevertheless, in the 27 survivors, our group saw four shared personality traits that could explain their longevity (长寿).
Conservatism in financing. The companies did not risk their capital gratuitously (无缘无故地). They understood the meaning of money in an old-fashioned way; they knew the usefulness of spare cash in the kitty. Money in hand allowed them to snap up (抓住) options when their competitors could not. They did not have to convince third-party financiers of the attractiveness of opportunities they wanted to pursue. Money in the kitty allowed them to govern their growth and evolution. Sensitivity to the world around them. Whether they had built their fortunes on knowledge or on natural resources, the living companies in our study were able to adapt themselves to changes in the world around them. As wars, de A. sugar and tin B. natural fertilizer C. chemical products D. air planes [单项选择]()金刀寨的人头上戴着什么斗苙?
A. 信阳 B. 岳阳 C. 襄阳 D. 范阳 [单选题]危化品运输车灾害事故处置中,针对气液相管路破损处喷出物料的泄漏灾情,及时对车体、罐体采取接地保护措施,防止产生静电;用喷雾水稀释,降低现场可燃气体( );禁绝一切火源,防止爆炸。
A.密度 B.成分 C.浓度 D.程度 典型火灾扑救行动指南 [单选题]形成构造煤是发生突出的必要条件之一。突出煤层中构造煤厚度增大·突出危险性也相应()。
A.增大 B.减小 C.不变 [单选题]CCBⅡ制动机“第二步闸”全制位后:保压1min,列车管压力泄漏不大于()kPa。
A.5 B.7 C.10 [填空题]Nous avons un jour de repos ______ semaine.
[单选题]下列不符合流质饮食特点的是(1.00分)( )
A.易吞咽、易消化 B.食物呈液状 C.适用于病情危重的患者 D.只能短期使用 E.每日5~6次 [判断题]测定巷道风流中瓦斯浓度时,应连续测定3次,取其平均值。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]销是一种标准件,形状和尺寸已标准化。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]信用运营审核视图覆盖业务品种范围不包括( )。
A.中期流动资金贷款 B.订单融资 C.黄金租赁 D.银行承兑汇票贴现 [单选题]Span80(HLB=4.3)60%与Twee80(HLB=15.0)40%相混合,其混合物的HLB接近为
A.3.5 B.8,6 C.10.7 D.6.3 E.19.3 [多项选择]桥梁转体施工适合于以下哪种建设条件?()
A. 跨线桥 B. 跨沟谷桥梁 C. 墩处于水中的桥梁 [多项选择]内部专卖管理监督部门对一般违法违规问题进行处理的方式主要有()
A. 责令整改 B. 行政处罚 C. 对问题移送 D. 责成被监督单位做出解释 [判断题][T]AA012 2 2 2( )铸造圆角必须标注在图上。[T/]
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 处理制动故障时,要先关闭截断塞门,排净副风缸余风后方可进行。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交