The lives of very few Newark residents
are untouched by violence: New Jersey’s biggest city has seen it all Yet the
murder of three young people, who were forced to kneel before being shot in the
back of the head in a school playground on August 4th, has shaken the city. A
fourth, who survived, was stabbed and shot in the face. The four victims were by
all accounts good kids, all enrolled in college, all with a future. But the
cruel murder, it seems, has at last forced Newarkers to say they have had
enough. Grassroots organizations, like Stop Shootin’, have been flooded with offers of help and support since the killings. Yusef Ismail, its co-founder, says the group has been going door-to-door asking people to sign a pledge of non-violence. They hope to get 50000 to promise to "stop shootin’, start thinkin’, and keep livin’." The Newark Community Foundati A. The Newark residents witnessed a murde B. Four young people were killed in a school playgroun C. The new mayor of Newark took offic D. Four college students fell victim to violenc [填空题]针对积极主动型学员的特点,教师应以()为主,多采用师生互动的培训方法。
[单选题]11. 以下属于接力贷共同借款人的是()。
A.公婆 B.表兄弟 C.姑姑 D.堂姐 [单项选择]处方限量一个周期的是()
A. OQ B. PQ C. PV D. IQ E. SIP [单选题]下列不属于微生物控制方法的是( )。
A.交替使用不同类型的杀菌剂. B.保持滤池过滤效果 C.保持环境卫生避免大量灰尘、杂物进入系。 D.夏季减少杀菌剂的投加 [单选题]私自到江.河.湖.海.水库等水域游泳或者非因灭火救援作战训练.执勤安保落水溺亡的事故,属于____。( )
A.灭火救援事故 B.溺水事故 C.坠落事故 D.船艇事故 [简答题]Dear Mr. / Ms.,
This is to introduce Mr. Frank Jones, our new marketing specialist who will be in London from April 5 to mid April on business. We shall appreciate any help you can give Mr. Jones and will always be happy to reciprocate. Yours faithfully [多选题]事业单位按照规定提取或者设置的专用基金有()。
A.资本公积 B.法定盈余公积 C.修购基金 D.非流动资产基金 E.职工福利基金 [多项选择]下述肿瘤中,哪一种是良性肿瘤
A. 白血病 B. 神经母细胞瘤 C. 葡萄胎 D. 无性细胞瘤 E. 骨髓瘤 [单选题]单选题 (1分)
制作清蛋糕面糊的面粉宜用低筋粉,如果没有低筋粉,可用等量的( )代替部分面粉。 A.巧克力粉 B. 糖粉 C. 玉米粉 D. 杏仁粉 [判断题](47111)( )在非自动闭塞的电气化区段上更换钢轨时,换轨前应在被换钢轨两端的左右轨节间各安设一条横向连接电线(即轨道电路短路线)。(1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]设系统日期为2001年12月31日,下列表达式的值是 【10】 。
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