When doctors need information about
what dose of medication to prescribe, they usually consult a fat navy-blue book
called The Physicians’ Desk Reference, or PDR, an extensive compilation of data
about drugs form their manufacturers. But the doses recommended in the PDR may
be too high for many people and may cause adverse reactions, ranging from
dizziness and nausea all the way to death, according to an article published
last month in the journal Postgraduate Medicine. For many drugs — including Viagra, Prozac and some medicines used to treat high blood pressure, allergies, insomnia and high cholesterol — smaller doses would work just as well, with far less risk of bad reactions, said Jay Cohen, the author of the article. "Side effects drive a lot of people out of treatment that they need," Dr. Cohen said, noting that A. He found out the mistakes of PDR. B. He lowered the drug doses in treating patients. C. He used different doses according to individuals. D. He suggested medical schools teach the importance of lowering doses. [单项选择]在设备采购合同履行过程中,供货方将货物运到现场后,采购方未在合同规定的时间内开箱检验,产生的后果由( )承担。
A. 供货方 B. 采购方 C. 双方共同 D. 监理方 [多选题]中国特色社会主义是 。
A. 既坚持科学社会主义基本原则,又具有鲜明实践特色、理论特色、民族特色、时代特色的社会主义 B. 是中国特色社会主义道路、理论、制度、文化四位一体的社会主义 C. 是统揽伟大斗争、伟大工程、伟大事业、伟大梦想的社会主义 D. 是根植于中国大地、反映中国人民意愿、适应中国和时代发展进步要求的社会主义 [单项选择]胸膜间皮瘤的病理及X线表现中,哪项是错误的()
A. 为胸膜的原发性肿瘤,可发生于脏、壁层胸膜 B. 局限结节型,呈圆形或椭圆形的致密影,边缘光滑,密度与软组织相似,少数可有钙化 C. 切线位,肿瘤基底宽,贴于胸壁,向肺野突出,肿块与胸壁相交成钝角 D. 广泛浸润型,引起广泛不规则或波浪状胸膜增厚,有大量胸腔积液,本型生长较慢,可侵及肋骨引起病理性骨折 E. 肿块与胸壁相交成锐角,轮廓且常呈分叶状,边缘不光滑,有小毛刺 [多选题]营区秩序包括()
A. 保持工作环境整洁 B. 在午休时保持安静 C. 可以组织一些营业性舞会营区标志应当醒目齐全 D. 标志应当醒目齐全 [单选题]劫持攻击是在双方进行会话时被第三方(黑客)入侵,黑客黑掉其中一方,并冒充他继续与另一方进行会话,(____)方法有助于防范这种攻击。
A.全面的日志记录 B.入侵监测系统 C.强化的验证方法 D.应用强壮的加密 [填空题]奧苏贝尔认为,学校情境中的成就动机主要由三个方面的内驱力组成:认知的内驱力、自我提高的内驱力和{ }。
[填空题] How Polite Are Wee
It’s lunch time in Mexico City, and a young man follows a slim woman wearing dark glasses into a restaurant. Without looking behind her, she lets the heavy glass door swing dosed, almost smashing him in the face. In a stationery shop in Seoul, meanwhile, a female customer wants to buy a disposable pen. It’s a minor purchase, but the store owner takes the time to talk her through a variety of different models. When she makes her purchase, he says a friendly "Thank you". Rain and wind are whipping the Nolendorplatz, central Berlin, as estate agent Nicole, 34, struggles through the morning rush-hour crowds, her broken arm in plaster after she slipped on ice. Ahead of her, a young woman drops a yellow folder, scattering papers everywhere. Dozens of commuters walk on by, but Nicole rushes over and picks up the damp documents, gently shaking the water off each one. When thanked, she jokes, "Well, I [单项选择]
Drawing a picture is the simplest way of putting an idea down on paper. That is (21) men first began to write, six thousand years ago or (22) . The alphabet we now use (23) down to us over a long period of time. It was developed from the picture-writing of ancient Egypt. [多选题]现场安全( )布置不到位、安全( )不合格的不干,属于生产作业现场“十不干”内容。
A.范围 B.措施 C.工器具 D.围网 [判断题] 选择指示剂的要求就是其变色点必须在滴定突跃范围内。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]联网收费通行介质包括()。
A.ETC卡 B.CPC卡 C.纸质通行券 D.IC卡 [判断题]停电天窗时间内,使用接触网作业车或专用车辆进行接触网巡视或检测作业,可不装设接地线。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]基金持有人与托管人之间的关系是()。
A. 持有与监管的关系 B. 所有人与经营者的关系 C. 经营与监管的关系 D. 委托与受托的关系 [单选题]下列不属于台风灾害事故特点的是( )。
A.破坏力强,危害性大 B.波及面广,人员伤亡大 C.污染环境,人员中毒 D.防范困难,救援难度大 [多项选择]瘀血可导致的产后病有 ()
A. 产后血晕 B. 产后小便淋痛 C. 产后身痛 D. 产后小便不通 E. 产后痉病 [单项选择]您是否应该常常观察后面的交通情况?()
A. 是,这样您将知道是否有一位尾随者跟着您 B. 否,您应该注意观察您前方的车辆 C. 否,除非交通很拥挤 [单选题]单斗挖掘机正常作业时,天轮距离高压线距离不得小于( )m
A. 2 B. 1 C. 0.5 D. 1.5 [简答题]MSI有何实际意义?
[多选题]下列哪些服务渠道可以修改牡丹信用贷记卡密码?( )
A.本行本地ATM B.本行异地ATM C.他行本地ATM D.他行异地ATM [单项选择]我国现行税法规定,年所得()以上的纳税人需要到税务机关办理自行纳税申报。
A. 8万元 B. 10万元 C. 12万元 D. 15万元 [单项选择]当T1指标(),说明在该段时间内,控制区对对联络线功率波动有责任,其责任超过了允许的范围。
A. 小于100% B. 大于100% C. 100%~200% D. 大于200% [单选题]当LKJ距离误差小于( )时,可按压【自动校正】键,监控装置自动进行超前或滞后校正。(A 、3、A)[010202]
A.100m B.300m C.500m D.600m 我来回答: 提交