Every profession or trade, every art,
and every science has its technical vocabulary, the function of which is partly
to designate things or processes which have no names in ordinary English, and
partly to secure greater exactness in nomenclature. Such special dialects, or
jargons, are necessary in technical discussion of any kind. Being universally
understood by the devotees of the particular science or art, they have precision
of a mathematical formula. Besides, they save time, for it is much more
economical to name a process than to describe it. Thousands of these technical
terms are very properly included in every large dictionary, yet, as a whole,
they are rather on the outskirts of the English language than actually within
its borders. Different occupations, however, differ widely in the character of their special vocab A. Sun. B. Calf. C. Plow. D. Hammer. [多项选择]患者男,43岁,入院前1d进食大量高蛋白、高脂肪食物及饮白酒500ml,出现腹痛,以脐周为著;恶心、呕吐4次,呕吐症状不减轻,呕吐物为胃内容物,不含咖啡样物质;腹泻5次,为水样。查体:体温37.5℃,血压18.2/9.8kPa。脐周压痛明显,无反跳痛,肝、脾肋下未扪及。实验室检查:血红蛋白138g/L,红细胞4.79×1012/L,白细胞12.5×109/L,中性粒细胞0.88,血淀粉酶1300U/L,尿淀粉酶980U/L。临床医师怀疑患者患急性胰腺炎。有助于诊断生物化学检验是( )
A. 儿茶酚胺 B. 铜兰蛋白 C. 磷脂酶A2 D. 脂肪酶 E. 胃蛋白酶 F. 胃泌素 G. 胰蛋白酶和胰蛋白酶原-2 H. C-反应蛋白 [单选题]明确脓肿诊断并确定其致病菌的可靠方法是( )。
A.抗生素治疗观察 B.穿刺液细菌培养 C.血液细菌培养 D.气味 E.颜色 [判断题]根据《锂电池航空运输规范》(表3),含锂电池设备中电动轮椅的电池在托运时电池可卸,应卸下并手提。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]
( )是整篇消息的第一个单元,起到提示新闻要点与精华、引导收视的作用。
A. 消息来源 B. 新闻背景 C. 导语 D. 摘要 [单选题]对风挡胶囊外观进行目测检查,胶囊裂损时,用卷尺测量裂损部位长度,裂损小于200mm时修补,橡胶囊老化(指表面龟裂、发粘、粉化、变色、长霉或测量3点绍尔A硬度均值不在70±10度范围内)或破损长度一处连续超过( )mm者更新。
A.30mm B.40mm C.200mm D.60mm [判断题]变压器瓦斯保护是防御变压器油箱内各种短路故障和油面降低的保护。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]第一次国共合作的政治基础是什么?
[单选题]甲(15周岁)把邻居小孩乙(3周岁)绑架,并将乙耳朵割下来寄给乙之父,索要3万元赎金。甲在取赎金时被公安机关抓获,乙获救,经鉴定其耳部损伤为重伤。下列表述正确的是( )。
A.对甲不能判死缓 B.对甲应当以绑架罪定罪处罚 C.对甲应当以故意伤害罪定罪处罚 D.对甲应当从轻或者减轻处罚 [单选题] 在以下人为的恶意攻击行为中,属于主动攻击的是________。
A. 身份假冒 B. 数据窃听 C. 流量分析 D. 非法访问 [单选题]我国《公司法》规定,股东大会一年召开()次年会。
A.一 B.二 C.四 D.没有规定 [单项选择]The statement "Like a needle climbing up a bathroom scale, the number keeps rising" probably means _________.
A. many Americans are obsessed by the needle climbing in the bathroom B. increasingly more people are getting overweight in the United States C. larger people are climbing the bathroom scale with the help of needles D. youngsters become larger thanks to age and activity [单选题]( )就是党的根本大法,是全党必须遵循的总规矩。
A.党章 B. 宪法 C. 党纪国法 我来回答: 提交