Young people are increasingly becoming
aware of the need to change their eating habits, because much of the food,
particularly processed food they eat is not good for health. {{U}} (67)
{{/U}}, there has been a growing interest in natural foods: foods which do
not contain chemical additives and {{U}} (68) {{/U}} are not affected by
chemical fertilizers, widely used in farming today. Natural foods, for example, are vegetables, fruit and grain which have been grown in soil rich {{U}} (69) {{/U}} organic matter. In simple terms, this means the soil has been nourished by vegetable matter, which {{U}} (70) {{/U}} it with essential vitamins and minerals. This in itself is a /an {{U}} (71) {{/U}} process compared with the use of chemicals and fertilizers, the main purpose {{U}} (72) {{/U}} is to increase the amount of foods {{U}} (73) {{/U} A. regarded B. judged C. considered D. measured [单选题]因注册验资开立的临时存款账户,其账户名称为市场监督管理部门(工商行政管理部门)核发的“企业名称预先核准通知书”或政府有关部门批文中注明的名称,其预留银行签章中公章或财务专用章的名称应是存款人与银行在银行结算账户管理协议中约定的____名称。
A.存款账户 B.验资人 C.出资人 D.法人 [单项选择]下列情况应征消费税的有()。
A. 药厂外购已税酒精配制成含酒精药膏后销售 B. 商业外购已税珠宝石加工成金银首饰后销售 C. 委托加工的粮食白酒收回后用于职工福利 D. 委托加工的粮食白酒收回后直接销售 [单选题]电控发动机故障诊断原则,包括 ()。
A.先繁后简 B.先简后繁 C.先繁后简、先 简后繁均不对 D.先繁后简、先 简后繁均正确 [多选题]锅炉停炉分为()。
A.事故停炉; B.暂时停炉; C.正常停炉; D.紧急停炉 [单选题]17.颅脑损伤患者行冬眠疗法时,降温标准维持肛温于
A.24~26℃ B.26~28℃ C.30~32℃ D.32~34℃ E.34~36℃ [单选题]一级基坑支护结构设计的重要性系数应为( )。
A.1.00 B.1.2 C.1.10 D.0.90 [单项选择]急性心肌梗死后窦速伴有室性期前收缩。优先使用的抗心律失常药物是()
A. 美西律(慢心律) B. 普鲁帕酮(心律平) C. 普萘洛尔(心得安) D. 奎尼丁 E. 维拉帕米 [多选题]人员支出包括( )。
A.基本工资 B.补助工资 C.其他工资 D.职工福利费 E.电话费 [名词解释]双重收费(Two-part tariff)
A. 无意注意 B. 有意注意 C. 有意后注意 D. 观察注意 [单选题]直埋回填后,应在电缆盖板上(____)mm土壤中铺设警示牌。
A.500 B.400 C.350 D.300 [简答题]PLC与继电器控制的差异是什么?
[单选题]无论高压设备是否带电,作业人员不得单独移开或越过遮栏进行工作;若有必要移开遮栏时,应有监护人在场,并符合( )的安全距离。
A.设备停电时 B.设备不停电时 C.作业时 D.带电作业时 [单项选择]休克病人血压和中心静脉压均低,提示( )。
A. 心功能不全 B. 血管过度收缩 C. 血容量相对不足 D. 血容量相对过多 E. 血容量严重不足 我来回答: 提交