People have wondered for a long time
how their personalities and behaviors are formed. It is not easy to explain why
one person is intelligent and another is not, or why one is cooperative and
another is competitive. Social scientists are, of course, extremely interested in these types of questions. They want to explain why we possess certain characteristics and exhibit certain behaviors. There are no clear answers yet, but two distinct schools of thought on the matter have been developed. As one might expect, the two approaches are very different from one another, and there is a great deal of debate between proponents of each theory. The controversy is often referred to as nature/nurture . Those who support the "nature" side of the conflict believe that our personalities and behavior patter, ns are largely determined by b A. it is our environment not biologically based instincts that determines how we will act B. human beings are completely shaped by their surroundings C. environment is more important than biological and genetic factors in shaping one’ s behaviors D. one acts because he has to adapt himself to the environment [名词解释]大自然的祭司
A. 律师费 B. 评估费 C. 财务顾问费 D. 其他费用 [单项选择]关于慢性牙周炎,下列哪一项不正确
A. 主要致病菌是牙龈卟啉单胞菌 B. 早期牙齿出现松动 C. 牙槽骨吸收以水平为主 D. 可出现间歇性活动期 E. 病程进展缓慢 [单项选择]The old lady_______all of her sons, and her youngest son died last month.
A. surpassed B. outgrew C. exceeded D. survived [单选题]1.75车辆管理所办理机动车登记业务和机动车驾驶证业务时,应当按照
_____的要求,积极推行一次办结、限时办结等制度,为申请人提供规 范、便利、高效的服务。 A.减环节 B.减材料 C.减时限 D.以上都是 [单选题]变频器运行时过载报警,电机不过热。此故障可能的原因是( )。
A.变频器过载整定值不合理、电机过载 B.电源三相不平衡、变频器过载整定值不合理 C.电机过载、变频器过载整定值不合理 D.电网电压过高、电源三相不平衡 [简答题]施工负责人的定义。
[多选题].地方各级人民政府应当将包括消防安全布局、( )、( )、( )、消防车通道、消防装备等内容的消防规划纳入城乡规划,并负责组织实施。
A.消防站 B.消防供水 C.消防通信 D.消防设施 [单选题]1岁小儿腹泻,重度脱水伴重度酸中毒,此患儿需补充累积损失的液量及首次补充的5%碳酸氢钠的量分别约是
A. 600ml,25ml B. 800ml,35ml C. 1000ml,45ml D. 1200ml,55ml E. 1400ml,65ml [判断题]银监会及其派出机构是案防工作第一责任主体。
A.全国人大修改宪法,全国人大及其常委会可以制定和修改刑法、民法和其他基本法律 B.省、自治区、直辖市的人民代表大会及其常委会可以制定地方性法规 C.省、自治区人民政府所在市的人民政府,可以根据法律和行政法规,制定规章 D.自治区人民代表大会有权制定自治条例和单行条例 [判断题]罗茨鼓风机流量可以采用出口阀调节。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]2184
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]地震发生后,前突小队应携行( )等装备,突入震区侦察灾情。
A. 单兵图传 B. 卫星便携站 C. 卫星电话 D. 无人机 [单选题]对公务员受开除以外处分的解除,以下说法不正确的是____。( )[单选题]
A.公务员受开除以外的处分,在受处分期间有悔改表现,并且没有再发生违纪违法行为的,处分期满后自动解除 B.解除处分后,晋升工资档次、级别和职务、职级不再受原处分的影响 C.在公务员受处分期间,没有发生违纪行为的,处分机关可以提前解除处分 D.解除降级、撤职处分的,不视为恢复原级别、原职务、原职级 [单项选择]由药品生产、经营企业按国家规定制定的价格称为()
A. 药品零售价 B. 药品市场调节价 C. 药品国家价 D. 药品政府定价、政府指导价 E. 企业零售价 [多选题]以下关于金融衍生品市场功能的说法,正确的有( )。
A.金融衍生品市场可以转移风险 B.金融衍生品市场具有价格发现功能 C.金融衍生品市场可以提高交易效率 D.金融衍生品市场具有优化资源配置的功能 E.金融衍生品市场可以消除风险 [多选题]各法人行社根据业务实际,防范业务风险,保证投资资金安全。当出现以下情况时,必须及时了解情况,采取妥善措施,并上报相关管理部门( )。
A.交易中出现到期无法还款的。 B.发行人不履行合同条约,并拒绝披露产品信息,从而影响对理财产品投资判断的。 C.发行银行在发行该理财产品时存在违规操作,并引起监管部门和审计机构关注的。 D.商业银行投资或发行某项银行理财产品出现政策障碍的。 E.发行人有可能不能按时偿付本金或利息的。 [单选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSG510001-2015)第24. 1. 6条规定:动火作业安全管理实行动火区域级别管理和( )组织措施管理。
A.动火工作票 B.工作票 C.动火操作票 D.操作票 [单选题]难溶性固体分散物载体材料为
With increasing prosperity, West European youth is having a fling that is crating distinctive consumer and cultural patterns. The result has been the increasing emergence in Europe of that phenomenon well known in America as the "youth market". (0).
In the United States, the market is wide ranging and well established, almost an industry, with which this country’’s emphasis on "youthfulness" even extends beyond teenager group. (8). In some country such as Britain, West Germany and France, it is more advanced than in others. Some manifestations of the market, chiefly sociological, have been recorded, but it is only just beginning to be the subject of organized consumer research and promotion. (9).
The market’’s basis is essentially the same—more spending power and freedom to use it in the hands of teenagers and older youth. Young consumers also make up an increasingly high proportion of the population. As in the United States, youthful tastes i
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