| 2007年 | 2008年 | 2009年 |
营业收入 | 2000
[单选题]一般情况下,女性比男性对对电流的敏感( )。
A.更弱 B.一样 C.更强 D.没规律可言 [判断题] 在执行用户检查任务时,应遵守客户保卫、保密规定,在检查现场可以替代客户进行电工作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]燃烧的发生和发展必须具备三个条件:( )
A.可燃物 B.助燃剂(助燃物) C.压力 D.点火源(温度) [单选题]手术安全“三方核对”的人员,正确的选项是( )。( )
A.麻醉医师、主刀医师及刷手护士 B.麻醉医师、第一助手及巡回护士 C.麻醉医师、主刀医师及巡回护士 D.麻醉医师、第一助手及刷手护士 [判断题]地层景观的基本属性有时序性和古环境属性。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]单程运行里程超过( )公里(不包括高速公路直达)的客运车辆应当配备2名及以上客运驾驶员。
A.200 B. 400 C.500 D. 600 [单选题]在生物转化中最常见的结合剂是( )
A.硫酸 B.甲基 C.谷胱甘肽 D.葡糖醛酸 E.乙酰基 [单选题]依据《生产经营单位安全培训规定》,金属冶炼单位应当进行安全培训并经安全监管部门考核合格的从业人员包括主要负责人、安全生产管理人员和()。
A.合同工 B.特种作业人员 C.临时工 [单选题]完工(),应即认为线路带电,不准任何人再登杆进行工作。
A.接地线拆除后 B.作业人员确由杆塔上撤下后 C.各作业点报完工后 D.个人保安线拆除后 E.略 F.略 [填空题] Perhaps, every county suffered from inflation once or more times. Inflation is an economic condition in (B1) prices for consumer goods (B2) , and the (B3) of money or purchasing power decreases. There are three causes of inflation. The first and most important cause may be excessive government spending. For example, in order to (B4) a war or carry (B5) social programs, the government may spend more money than it has received through taxes and other revenues, thus creating a deficit. In order to (B6) this deficit, the Treasury Department can simply (B7) the money supply by issuing more paper money to (B8) the debts of government. This increase in the money supply will cause the value of the dollar to (B9) decrease. The second cause of inflation occurs when the money supply increases faster than the supply of goods. (B10) people have more money, they will run out to buy popular goods (B11) televisions and computers, for example, and a shortage
A. A.spend B.extend C.expand D.explore 我来回答: 提交