The need for solar electricity is
clear. It is safe, ecologically sound, efficient, continuously available, and is
has no moving parts. The basic problem with the use of solar photovoltaic
devices is economics, but until recently very little progress has been made
toward the development of low-cost photovoltaic devices. The larger part of
research funding has been devoted to study of single-crystal silicon solar
cells, despite the evidence, including that of the leading manufacturers of
crystalline silicon, that the technique holds little promise. The reason for
this pattern is understandable and historical. Crystalline silicon is the active
element in the Very successful semiconductor industry, and virtually all of the
solid state devices contain silicon transistors and diodes. Crystalline silicon,
however, is particularly unsuitable to terrestrial solar ce A. Solar and extraterrestrial. B. Photovoltaic devices and solar cells. C. Crystalline silicon and amorphous materials. D. Amorphous materials and higher efficiencies. [多项选择]甲、乙两块土地,其区位及实物状况都基本一样。甲地块土地单价为506元/m2,容积率为1.5,土地使用年限为50年。乙地块土地单价为820元/m2,容积率为2.4,土地使用年限为70年。在用楼面地价来判断甲、乙两地块的投资价值时,若土地报酬率为8%则下列表述中正确的有(
A. 乙地块比甲地块贵 B. 甲地块的70年使用权楼面地价低于341.67元/m2 C. 甲地块与乙地块的楼面地价相等 D. 甲地块比乙地块贵 E. 乙地块的70年使用权楼面价高于340元/m2 [单选题]教学《大堰河——我的保姆》,教师将“分析人物形象,体会诗人情感”作为教学目标之一。
下面对该教学目标分析正确的是( )。
A.教师对诗歌教学的目标要求理解不准确 B.教师对诗歌教学应承担的任务认识不清 C.教师认为分析人物形象是诗歌教学的任务 D.教师认为体会情感是教学最重要的内容 [单项选择]对既往有高热惊厥史的患儿,预防高热惊厥发作的护理措施以下哪项正确 ( )。
A. 婴幼儿体温超过38.5℃时应立即采取降温措施 B. 保持室内安静,减少刺激 C. 密切观察有无惊厥先兆症状 D. 发生惊厥时按惊厥护理 E. 以上都正确 [判断题]( )遭遇地震时应当就近躲避到窗口下和外墙边。(1分)
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]窃电行为是指( )。
A.在供电企业的供电设施上,擅自接线用电; B.绕越供电企业的用电计量装置用电; C.向别人转供电; D.伪造或者开启法定的或者授权的计量检定机构加封的用电计量装置封印用电的; E.故意损坏供电企业用电计量装置或使用电计量装置不准或者失效。 [单选题]当发现配电箱、电表箱箱体带电时,应(),查明带电原因,并作相应处理。
A.检查接地装置 B.断开上一级电源 C.通知用户停电 D.先接地 [简答题]委托合同的概念和特征
D公司为投资中心,下设甲乙两个利润中心,相关财务资料如下: [判断题]电动执行机构是由电动机带动减速装置,在电信号的作用下产生直线运动和角度旋转运动。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 使用注册商标,有下列哪些行为能够导致商标局责令使用者限期改正或者撤销其注册商标?( )。
A. 自行转让注册商标的 B. 商标使用许可合同未报商标局备案的 C. 自行改变注册商标标识的 D. 连续三年停止使用的 [多选题]工作许可手续完成后,工作负责人、专责监护人应向工作班成员交待( ),进行危险点告知,并履行确认手续,工作班方可开始工作。
A. 工作内容 B. 人员分工 C. 带电部位 D. 现场安全措施 [单项选择]
Archaeological discoveries have led some scholars to believe that the first Mesopotamian inventors of writing may have been a people the later Babylonians called Subarians. According to tradition, they came from the north and moved into Uruk in the south. By about 3100B.C, They Were apparently subjugated in southern Mesopotamia by the Sumerians, whose name became (5) synonymous with the region immediately north of the Persian Gulf, in the fertile lower valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates. Here the Sumerians were already well established by the year 3000B.C. They had invented bronze, an alloy that could be cast in molds, out of which they made tools and weapons. They lived in cities, and they had begun to acquire and use capital. Perhaps most important, the Sumerians adapted writing (probably from the Subarians) into a flexible tool of (10) communication. Archacologists have known about the Sumerians for over 150 years. Archacologists working at Nineveh in northern Mesopotamia in [单选题]电动势的单位是( )。(易)
A.伏特 B.安培 C.欧姆 D.瓦特 [判断题]弗洛依德认为,人的一切行为的根本出发点来自人的超我。
A. 数据库规范化 B. 打印报表清晰 C. 输入数据真实可靠 D. 应用程序正确 [单项选择]反映基金业绩优劣的指标是()。
A. 单位净值 B. 绝对收益率 C. 现金分红 D. 认购费 [单选题]5G空口灌包时测出来的速率是哪个协议层的速率?
A.RLC B.PHY C.MAC D.PDCP [简答题]混凝土宽枕线路起道作业,采用枕下垫砟和枕上垫板相结合的方法。( )
[单选题]电路闭合时,电源的端电压( )电源电动势减去电源的内阻压降。
A.大于 B.小于 C.等于 [判断题]回转取料时,臂架于轨道中心线夹角变化,但不会影响斗轮取煤的厚度。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]《电力建设工程概算定额 第一册 建筑工程》(2013年版)规定,建筑工程定额不适用于( )。
A.10kV配电房建筑工程 B.换流站建筑工程 C.通信站建筑工程 D.风力发电建筑工程 E.水电站建筑工程 [单项选择]女,32岁,G1P0,孕32周,疑羊水过多来诊。超声显示羊水指数25cm,胎儿右侧胸腔内见实性不均质占位性病灶,右肺径线小,心脏受压向左侧移位。彩超显示病灶血流供应来自肝脏。此时胎儿最可能的超声诊断是()。
A. 肺分离 B. 右侧膈疝 C. 先天性肺腺瘤样囊肿 D. 纵隔肿瘤 E. 肺部肿瘤 [多项选择]根据影响力的范围和作用方式,市场营销环境可分为( )。
A. 宏观营销环境 B. 人文营销环境 C. 微观营销环境 D. 大市场营销环境 E. 政治法律环境 [单选题]关于胃酶细胞结构特点,哪一项错误?
A. 细胞呈柱状 B. 细胞质嗜酸性 C. 细胞质内含丰富的粗面内质网 D. 细胞质内含发达的高尔基复合体 E. 分泌胃蛋白酶原 我来回答: 提交