I did not know the city at all and,
what is more, I couldn’t speak a word of the language. After having spent my
first day sight-seeing in the town-center, I decided to lose my way deliberately
on my second day, since I believed that this was the surest way of getting to
know my way around. I got on the first bus that passed and descended some thirty
minutes later in what must have been a suburb. The first two hours passed pleasantly enough. I discovered mysterious little book-shops in back streets and finally arrived at a market-place where I stopped and had coffee in an open-air calf. Then I decided to get back to my hotel for lunch. After walking about aimlessly for some time, I determined to ask the way. The trouble was that the only word I knew of the language was the name of the street in which I lived — and even that I A. he shouldn’t have lost his way on purpose B. he failed to ask the newspaper-seller for help C. he took it for granted that the policeman was able to help him D. he was unable to communicate with local people in their language [单项选择]依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是( ) ①西湖南线开放,作为原居住于此的居民旧地重游, ______想起往事。 ②在法律面前人人平等,这个“人人”,______包括所有的人,任何人也不得例外。
A. 难免 诚然 B. 难免 当然 C. 不免 当然 D. 不免 诚然 [判断题]在小电流接地系统发生单相接地故障时, 一般情况下, 保护装置动作断路器跳闸 。(1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在通过人员访问所获得数据的价值中,( )是第一要素。
A. 调查问卷 B. 访问人员 C. 反馈速度 D. 样本对象 [判断题]允许速度120km/h及以上线路全封闭、全立交,线路两侧按标准进行栅栏封闭,并设置相应的警示标志。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]半径为300m的曲线,轨距应是( )。
A.1435mm B.1440mm C.1445mm D.1450mm [单项选择]具有Ⅱ型观测线的基牙。()
A. 近缺隙侧倒凹区小,远缺隙侧倒凹区大 B. 近缺隙侧倒凹区小,远缺隙倒凹区也小 C. 近缺隙侧倒凹区大,远缺隙侧倒凹区小 D. 近缺隙侧倒凹区大,远缺隙侧倒凹也大 E. 近缺隙侧和远缺隙均有明显的倒凹 [判断题]苯和甲苯的爆炸温度极限相同。
A. 《税务行政处罚事项告知书》 B. 《限期缴纳税款通知书》 C. 《责令限期改正通知书》 D. 《税务处理决定书》 [简答题]回向时,应念什么样的回向文才有功德?
A.超过 1.5m 时 B.超过 1.6m 时 C.超过 1.7m 时 D.超过 1.8m 时 [单选题]在应急管理过程中,加大建筑物安全距离、减少危险物品存在量、设置防护墙等设施,属于应急管理()阶段所做的工作
A.准备 B.响应 C.预防 D.恢复 [单选题]我国在2001年6月与上海合作组织其他成员一起缔结了《打击恐怖主义、分裂主义和极端主义上海公约》,开展合作,共同打击在亚洲地区的( )
A.东突恐怖主义势力 B.基地组织 C.西藏独立运动 D.伊斯兰独立运动 [判断题]举高消防车平台、中心回转体处水管回转体每次打水作战后需加注润滑油。(中)( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]能水解蛋白质的消化液是
A.唾液和胰液 B.唾液和胃液 C.胃液和胰液 D.胰液和胆汁 [多选题]下列属于教学过程本质说的是( )
A.交往说 B.传递说 C.认识实践说 D.统一说 [填空题]旅客列车停靠的高站台边缘距线路中心线的距离为( )mm。
[填空题]The development of writing was one of the great human inventions. It is difficult (51) many people to imagine language without writing; the spoken word seems intricately tied to the written (52) .
But children speak (53) they learn to write. And millions of people in the world speak languages with (54) written form. Among these people oral literature abounds, and crucial knowledge (55) memorized and passed (56) generations. But human memory is short-lived, and the brain’s storage capacity is finite. (57) overcame such problems and allowed communication across the miles (58) through the years and centuries. Writing permits a society (59) permanently record its poetry, its history and its technology. It might be argued (60) today we have electronic means of recording sound and (61) to produce films and television, and thus writing is becoming obsolete. (62) writing became extinct, there would [判断题]GYK语音提示“注意管压防溜”,在5s内追加减压大于等于8正确 kPa,或者按压【警惕】键可解除语音报警,否则输出紧急制动。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交