{{B}}Passage Three Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.{{/B}} |
ARP协议属于()协议,它的作用是() 。
A. 物理层
B. 数据链路层
C. 网络层
D. 传输层
Cultural norms so completely surround
people, so permeate thought and action, that we never recognize the assumptions
on which their lives and their sanity rest. As one observer put it, if birds
were suddenly endowed with scientific curiosity they might examine many things,
but the sky itself would be overlooked as a suitable subject; if fish were to
become curious about the world, it would never occur to them to begin by
investigating water. For birds and fish would take the sky and sea for granted,
unaware of their profound influence because they comprise the medium for every
fact. Human beings, in a similarly way, occupy a symbolic universe governed by
codes that are unconsciously acquired and automatically employed. So much so
that they rarely notice that the ways they interpret and talk about events are
distinctively different A. open-mindedness B. provincialism C. superiority D. discrimination [单项选择]具有下列( )选项所述情形的人员,不予颁发《资格证书》。
A. 因故意犯罪被判处刑罚,执行期满未逾2年的 B. 因欺诈等不诚信行为受行政处罚未逾1年的 C. 被金融监管机构宣布在一定期限内为行业禁入者且禁入期限仍未届满 D. 从事保险工作不足2年的 [单选题]高速铁路车站列车通过最高速度不得超过() km/h。
A.120 B.160 C.200 D.250 [单选题]有关胎盘剥离征象,错误的是:
A. 子宫收缩变硬,宫体变窄变长,宫底上升 B. 阴道少量流血 C. 子宫收缩,宫体变硬,宫底下降 D. 露于阴道外的脐带向外延伸脱出 E. 按压子宫可见脐带向外延伸 [单选题]商业银行董事会承担本行资本管理的( )
A.主要责任 B.重要责任 C.直接责任 D.首要责任 [填空题]轨道作业车常接触式弹性旁承无间隙;间隙旁承同一转向架左右间隙之和为(),每侧应有间隙。
A. 发汗 B. 晒干 C. 置沸水中烫或蒸至无白心 D. 以烟火慢慢熏干 E. 置沸水中煮至恰无白心 [多选题]对振荡闭锁装置的基本要求是()。
A.系统发生振荡而没有故障时,应可靠地将保护闭锁 B.在保护范围内发生短路故障的同时,系统发生振荡,闭锁装置不能将保护闭锁,应允许保护动作 C.继电保护在动作过程中系统出现振荡,闭锁装置不应干预保护的工作 [单选题]龈炎患者菌斑内优势菌是
A.普氏菌 B.梭形杆菌 C.弯曲菌 D.放线菌 E.链球菌 [多选题]排油注氮装置投入时注意事项包括(____)。
A.检查确认排油注氮灭火装置相关阀门状态正确 B.检查确认排油注氮功能、出口压板已投入(如有) C.在装置投入前,应检查装置无动作及异常信号 D.检查确认排油及注氮执行机构机械锁定已解除 [单选题]男,60 岁,咳嗽 30 年,近三年行走时气促,半月前因受凉、咳嗽、呼吸困难加剧入院治疗,自觉明 显好转,但仍有活动后气促,血气分析:PH:7.41,PaO2:62mmHg,SaO291%,此例的给氧原则最好应为:
A.高浓度,短期给氧 B.高浓度,高流量持续给氧 C.低浓度,间断给氧 D.低浓度,低流量,持续给氧 E.不需给氧 我来回答: 提交