It is hard to predict how science is
going to turn out, and if it is really good science it is impossible to predict.
If the things to be found are actually new, they are by definition unknown in
advance. You cannot make choices in this matter. You either have science or you
don’t, and if you have it you are obliged to accept the surprising and
disturbing pieces of informantion, along with the neat and promptly useful
bits. The only solid piece of scientific truth about which I feel totally confident is that we are profoundly ignorant about nature. Indeed, I regard this as the major discovery of the past hundred years of biology. It is, in its way, an illuminating piece of news. It would have amazed the brightest minds of the 18th century Enlightenment to be told by any of us how little we know and how bewildering seems the wa A. They paid little attention to the problems they didn’t understand. B. They invented false theories to explain things they didn’t understand. C. They falsely claimed to know all about nature. D. They did not believe in results from scientific observation. [判断题]CRH2型动车组转向架差压阀在内部采用不易发生卡住的结构,防止差压阀短时间打开或短时间关闭。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]高层建筑火灾作为建筑火灾中的一种,其火灾的发展过程具有建筑物室内火灾发展的典型特征,一般都有火灾初起、全面发展和下降三个阶段
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]检修联络用的断路器(开关)、隔离开关(刀闸),应在其来电侧验电。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]有液体面包之称的酒是()
A. 米酒 B. 果酒 C. 葡萄酒 D. 啤酒 [单选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSG510001-2015)第18. 2. 3条规定:电压表、携带型电压互感器和其他高压测量仪器的接线和拆卸无需断开高压回路的,可以带电工作。但应使用( ),导线长度应尽可能缩短,不应有接头,并应连接牢固,以防接地和短路。
A.导线 B.绝缘导线 C.耐高压导线 D.耐高压的绝缘导线 [判断题]某建筑物的建筑面积100m2,单位建筑面积的重置价格为500元/m2,判定其有效年龄为10年,年平均折旧率为2%,用直线法计算该房屋的现值为4万元。()
A.将带头闹事者带回公安局,起到一定的震慑作用 B.劝说村干部,让其带回闹事村民 — 57 — C.了解工地承包情况,向村民代表阐明利害关系 D.放了打人的村民,以缓解闹事村民的情绪 [单选题]关于区间乘客紧急疏散现场处置中,下说法错误的是( )
A.A.确定疏散方向后,邻站安排人员在另一端把守 B.B.列车停车位置有疏散平台时,司机打开有疏散平台至少两扇车门供乘客有秩序下车,车站人 员在车头引导,值班站长在车尾确认乘客全部疏散 C.C.车站人员进入轨行区进行乘客疏散,如在轨行区内遇到疏散出来的乘客,车站应安排人 员带领乘客出清轨行区 D.D.执行区间紧急疏散前须做好防护措施,在疏散路线中涉及到的各联络通道口,道岔区段、疏散平台与小站台未连通处均要安排人员引导,尾端安排专人跟随防护 [单项选择]胃溃疡多发于()
A. 胃小弯或十二指肠后壁 B. 胃大弯 C. 胃小弯 D. 幽门附近,胃和十二指肠前壁 E. 胃窦部 [单选题]丈量计算抽油杆的累计长度误差不超过()。
A.0.02% B.0.03% C.0.04% D.0.1% [单选题]室外专职防护员必须做到“最先( ),最后下道”。
A.上道 B.上班 C.休息 D.到达 [判断题] 施工单位认为事故由两名电焊工负全责。B
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 运行列车在终端站应有专人利用列车折返的时间进行清扫,至少保证终端站发行的列车内部,地面无纸屑、污渍。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交