Children living with single parents encounter many problems. They are more (1) stressful experiences than are children living with continuously married parents. (2) scholars define stress in somewhat different ways, most assume that it occurs when external demands(3) people’s coping resources. This results in feelings of emotional distress, a(n) (4) capacity to function in school, work, and family roles, and an increase in physiological indicators of arousal. Economic hardship, incompetent parenting, and loss of (5) with a parent can be stressful for children. Conflict between nonresident parents appears to be particularly harmful when children feel that they are caught (6), as when one parent speaks ill of the other parent in front of the child, when children are asked to transmit(7)or emotionally negative messages from one parent to the other, and when one parent attempts to recruit the child as an ally (8) the other. Interparental conflict is a direct stressor for childr
A. infinity
B. insecurity
C. invalidity
D. invisibility
Pepys and his wife had asked some
friends to dinner on Sunday, September 2nd, 1666. (2) {{U}}They were up very late
on the Saturday evening, getting everything ready for the next day, and while
they were busy they saw the glow of a fire start in the sky.{{/U}} By 3 o’clock on
the Sunday morning, its glow had become so bright that Jane woke her husband to
watch it. Pepys slipped on his dressing-gown and went to the window to watch it.
It seemed fairly far away, so after a time he went back to bed. When he got up
in the morning, it looked, as though the fire was dying down, though he could
still see some flames. So he set to work to tidy his room and put his things
back where he wanted them. While he was doing this, Jane came in to say that she had heard the fire was a bad one; hundred houses had been burned down in the nigh A. it was Sunday morning B. they were not very sleepy C. they were preparing for the dinner D. they saw the great fire start [单项选择]The more items that are given or bought for auction, ________.
A. the less money that will be charged for the tickets to the auction B. the more money that can be raised to support the computer lab C. the faster the ticket will be sold to the auction D. the higher the value that will be placed on the items in the silent auction [判断题]《技规》第291条规定:调车作业时,调车人员必须正确及时地显示信号;机车乘务人员要认真确认信号,并回示。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]《中国铁路上海局集团有限公司车票实名制管理办法》的通知(上铁客〔2017〕498号)规定,一张有效身份证件同一乘车日期同一车次只能购买一张实名制车票。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]处置危险品化学品事故时,如防护等级为二级,应着[]化学防护服。
A.一级 B.二级 C.特级 [名词解释]乐府
[判断题]多功能担架用于消防紧急救援、深井及狭窄空间救助、高空救助、地面一般救助、化学事故现场救助等,应用范围相当广泛。( )1
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]苯丙酮尿症患儿的智能水平取决于()
A. 治疗开始的早晚和饮食控制是否严格 B. 是否进行强化数育 C. 是否执行无苯丙氨酸饮食 D. 治疗开始的早晚,饮食控制是否严格和疗程足够 E. 是否应用药物四氢叶酸蝶呤 [单选题](单选题)《煤矿安全规程》执行说明规定,矿井防冲工作坚持“区域先行、局部跟进”的防冲原则。局部跟进是在采掘作业过程中,根据监测信息、冲击地压防治效果和新揭露的地质条件等动态信息,优化调整()。
A.冲击地压监测技术体系 B.冲击地压防治技术体系 C.冲击地压监测和防治技术体系 [单选题]下列关于高性能混凝土拆模要求的说法正确的是( )。
A.当设计未提出要求时,侧模应达到混凝土强度2.5MPa以上,其表面及棱角不因拆模而受损时,方可拆除。 B.拆除底模时,梁跨度≤8m时,达到混凝士设计强度的100%。 C.拆除底模时,悬臂梁跨度≤2m时,达到混凝士设计强度的100%。 D.拆除底模时,板跨度≤2m时,达到混凝士设计强度的75%。 [单选题]对于已停工程,需要有( )的复工指令才能复工。
A.施工单位项目负责人 B.监理工程师 C.施工单位质量负责人 D.总监理工程师 [单选题]软横跨定位索的机械强度安全系数不应小于( )。
A.2.0 B.2.5 C.3.0 D.4.0 [单选题]从科学社会主义发展进程看,中国特色社会主义进入新时代意味着( )在21世纪的中国,焕发出强大生机活力。
A.马克思列宁主义 B.空想社会主义 C.科学社会主义 D.民主社会主义 [单项选择]
A. daily B. annually C. particularly D. usually [多项选择]20世纪30年代DNA 双螺旋模型的提出,宣告了富有生命力的学科的诞生,这一学科是( )。
A. 生物化学 B. 分子遗传学 C. 基因理论 D. 分子生物学 [判断题]若需变更或增设安全措施,应填用新的工作票,并重新履行签发、许可手续。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]通风机不应在喘振区域、失速区域运行。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]组织流水施工时,建造类施工过程是指( )。
A.将建筑材料.各类构配件.成品.制品和设备等运到工地仓库或施工现场使用地点的施工过程 B.在施工对象的空间上直接进行砌筑.安装与加工,最终形成建筑产品的施工过程 C.为了提高建筑产品生产的工厂化.机械化程度和生产能力而形成的施工过程 D.为了满足人民的各种社会需求而形成的施工过程 我来回答: 提交