The research carried out by the
University of Bari in Italy could help prove hospitals who are accused of
wasting money on art and decoration as it suggests a pleasant environment helps
patients ease discomfort and pain. A team headed by Professor Marina de Tommaso at the Neurophysiopathology Pain Unit asked a group of men and women to pick the 20 paintings they considered most ugly and most beautiful from a selection of 300 works by artists such as Leonardo da Vinci and Sandro Botticelli. They were then asked to look at either the beautiful paintings, or the ugly painting, or a blank panel while the team zapped a short laser pulse at their hand, creating a sensation as if they had been stuck by a pin. The subjects rated the pain as being a third less intense while they were viewing the beautiful paintings, compared with when A. Beautiful Surroundings Can Ease Pain. B. Ugly Paintings Could Be Masterpieces. C. More Research Should Be Done In the Field. D. Latest Environmental Research. [简答题]为什么湖泊、水库的水体受到污染后不易控制和治理?
[判断题]绝对压力、表压力和真空都是气体状态参数。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]接入网的定界?( )
A.A、网络侧经由SNI与业务节点(SN)相连 B.B、用户侧经由UNI与用户相连 C.C、管理方面则经由Q3与电信管理网相连 D.D、网络侧经由UNI与业务节点(SN)相连 [判断题]党的领导是行政领导,政府的领导是政治领导。()
[单选题]维修天窗原则上应安排在( ),并满足作业轨温条件。
A.昼间 B.夜间 C.春秋季 D.冬夏季 [判断题]仲裁处理结果作出前,申请人可以自行撤回仲裁申请。申请人再次申请仲裁的,仲裁委员会应当受理。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]作为一方当事人的行政机关被合并到另一个行政机关,属于()。
A. 行政法律关系主体的变更 B. 行政法律关系客体的变更 C. 行政法律关系内容的变更 D. 行政法律关系的消灭 [单项选择]按()规定,借款企业必须进行现金流量分析。
A. 人民银行 B. 财政部 C. 农业银行 D. 商业银行 [单项选择]青年女性,农民,头昏、心悸、颜面苍白5年,并感吞咽困难。HGB45g/L,RBC2.0×10/L,白细胞及血小板正常,血片见红细胞大小不等,以小细胞为主,中心染色过浅,首选抗贫血制剂为()
A. 维生素B B. 叶酸 C. 口服铁剂 D. 雄激素 E. 泼尼松 我来回答: 提交