With the sudden onset of severe psychotic symptoms, the individual is said to be experiencing acute schizophrenia (精神分裂症). "Psychotic" means out of touch with reality, or unable to separate real from unreal experiences. Some people have only one such psychotic episode. Others have many episodes during a lifetime but lead relatively normal lives during interim periods. The individual with chronic (continuous or recurring) schizophrenia often does not fully recover normal functioning and typically requires long-term treatment, generally including medication, to control the symptoms. These symptoms may include hallucinations (幻觉), incoherence, delusions, lack of judgment, deterioration of the abilities to reason and feel emotion, and a lack of interaction between the patient and his environment. The hallucinations may be a visual, auditory, or tactile. Some c A. Hallucinations. B. Delusions. C. Incoherence. D. Vertigo. [单选题]行政复议机关应当自当事人提出申请之日起( )日内作出行政复议决定,法律另有规定的除外。
A.十 B.三十 C.六十 D.九十 [简答题]【说明】
函数DelA_InsB(LinkedList La,LinkedList Lb,int key1,int key2,int len)的功能是:将线性表A中关键码为key1的结点开始的len个结点,按原顺序移至线性表B中关键码为key2的结点之前,若移动成功,则返回0;否则返回-1。线性表的存储结构为带头结点的单链表,La为表A的头指针,Lb为表B的头指针。单链表结点的类型定义为 typedef struct node int key; struct node * next; *LinkedList; 【函数】 int DelA_InsB ( LinkedList La, LinkdeList Lb,int key1,int key2,,int len) LinkedList p,q,s,prep,pres; int k; if( ! La->next || ! Lb-> next ||| en <=0)return-1; p = La -> next;prep = La; while(p&&p- >key != key1) /*查找表A中键值为key1的结点*/ prep = p;p = p -> next; if( ! p) return - 1; /*在表A中不存在键值为key1的结点*/ q=p;k=1; while(q && (1) ) /*表A中不存在要被删除的len个结点*/ (2) ;k++; if( ! q)return -1; /*表A中不存在要被删除的len个结点*/ s = Lb -> next; (3) ; while(s && s -> key != key2) /*查找表B中键值为key2的结点*/ pres =s;s =s->next; if( ! s) return - t; /*表B中不存在键 [单选题]生产经营单位的从业人员有依法获得安全生产保障的权利,并应当依法履行( )的义务。
A.安全方面 B.生产方面 C.安全生产方面 [单项选择]药物性牙龈增生的程度与下列哪一个因素有关( )
A. 年龄 B. 口腔的卫生情况 C. 服药时间 D. 服药剂量 E. 血清中、唾液中的药物浓度 [多选题] 下列各罪中,哪种罪侵犯的客体是复杂客体?()
A. 故意杀人罪 B. 盗窃罪 C. 生产、销售伪劣产品罪 D. 妨害公务罪 [多选题]加强思想政治建设的“三讲”是指()。
A.讲学习 B.讲发展 C.讲正气 D.讲政治 我来回答: 提交