Greenspan: the Most Powerful Guy{{/B}} With the American’s Midterm Elections over, and a new Commander-in-Chief about to step in, some Americans are a little nervous about the nation’s future. But others feel secure, knowing that the man they consider the most powerful person in the world isn’t going anywhere. Just who is this behind-the-scenes guy they think has more power than George W. Bush ever will He’s Alan Greenspan, a 74-year-old expert economist who heads the Federal Reserve, commonly known as the Fed. Unlike the president, who has to please the voters and compromise with Congress, Greenspan doesn’t have to answer to anyone. But that doesn’t mean his job is easy. Basically, Greenspan is in charge of keeping the nation’s economy stable. The econ A. only rich people and big corporations B. celebrities and powerful corporations C. corporations as well as ordinary people D. rich people, ordinary people and corporations [单选题]离开特种作业岗位达()个月以上的特种作业人员,应当重新进行实际操作考核,经确认合格后方可上岗作业。
A.6 B.3 C.12 [单项选择]若x和y代表整型数,以下表达式中不能正确表示数学关系|x-y|<10的是( )。
A. abs(x-y)<10 B. x-y>-10&& x-y<10 C. @(x-y)<-10 D. (x-y)*(x-y)<100 [单项选择]从因特网使用者的角度看,因特网是—个______。
A. 信息资源网 B. 网际网 C. 网络设计者搞的计算机互联网络的—个实例 D. 网络黑客利用计算机网络大展身手的舞台 [单项选择]重要行业的原材料/销售价格上下波幅超过(),银行可根据自身业务特色和需要对各类资产、负债,以及表外项目价值造成的影响进行压力测试。
A. 0.3 B. 0.5 C. 0.8 D. 0.6 [单选题]下列表述错误的是( )。
A.进入易燃易爆气体扩散区域时,必须从上风方向进入。 B.扑救易燃液体火灾时,要向流淌的易燃液体表面喷射泡沫进行覆盖,阻止其蒸发。 C.消防人员不得在封闭式的油气.油水分离井.槽上部站立;。 D.扑救压力容器火灾时,要对其进行射水冷却保护,防止爆炸。 [单选题]某施工单位在开展带电作业时。由于使用脏污的绝缘工具,造成人员受伤。
使用绝缘工具前,应使用 2500V~5000V 绝缘电阻表接 2cm 电极(电极宽 2cm,极间宽 2cm)或绝缘检测仪对其进行分段绝缘检测,阻值应不低于 ( )。(单选题)
A.500M? B.600M? C.700M? D.800M? [单项选择]如果在立即窗口中执行以下操作(<CR>是回车键):
a=8 <CR> b=9 <CR> print a>b<CR> 则输出结果是 ______。 A. -1 B. 0 C. False D. True [单项选择]病人,女,47岁。近4天来呃逆连声,常因情志不畅而诱发或加重,胸胁满闷,脘腹胀满,嗳气纳减,肠鸣矢气,苔薄白,脉弦。首选方剂为()
A. 五磨饮子 B. 玉女煎 C. 柴胡疏肝散 D. 一贯煎 E. 理中丸 [单选题]当道岔第一连接杆处的尖轨与基本轨间有()及其以上间隙时,不能锁闭或开放信号机。
A.2mm B.3mm C.4mm D.5mm 我来回答: 提交