Life really should be one long journey
of joy for children born with a world of wealth at their feet. Internationally famous child doctor Robert Coles is the world’s top expert on the influence of money on children. He has written a well- known book on the subject, "The Privileged Ones", and his research shows that too much money in the family can cause as many problems as too little. "Obviously there are certain advantages to being rich, "says the 53 - year- old doctor, "such as better health, education and future work prospects. (78) {{U}}But most important is the quality of family life. Money can’t buy love." {{/U}} It can buy a lot of other things, however, and that’s where the trouble starts Rich kids have so much to choose from that they often become confused. Overindulgence(娇养) by their parents can make them s A. knows little about B. is doubtful about C. is opposed to D. agrees with [单选题]舱口数影响岸上机械的( )。
A.设计尺寸 B.回转角度 C.数量 D.俯仰角度 [不定项选择题]患者,男性,50岁,2型糖尿病10年,近半个月来发现双下肢水肿,并逐渐加重,常感乏力、头晕,遂来医院就诊,查血浆白蛋白25g/L,血清胆固醇及三酰甘油升高,血肌酐、尿素氮正常,查体:血压170/110mmHg,双下肢重度可凹性水肿。
A.尿常规 B.内生肌酐清除率 C.24小时尿蛋白定量 D.血常规 E.肾活检 [单项选择]在中国,商贸文明最早可能出现在哪里?()
A. 中原地产 B. 闽南地区 C. 关外地区 D. 江南地区 [单项选择]甲因和乙口角,持一棍殴打乙,因乙躲避不及致棍击中其头部,致使乙当场死亡。之后甲发现乙的口袋中有大量现金,于是将现金拿走。其行为构成( )。
A. 故意杀人罪 B. 盗劫罪 C. 抢劫罪 D. 故意伤害罪、盗窃罪 [判断题]生产经营单位必须依法参加工伤保险,为从业人员缴纳保险费。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]示意车辆左转弯:调整人员徒手时,面向调整方向,右臂向前平伸与身体略成( )度,掌心向前,五指并拢,同时向左转头( )度,左臂与手掌(五指并拢,掌心向右)平直,向右前方摆动。
A. 省级地方税务局 B. 地市级地方税务局 C. 县级地方税务局 D. 当地主管地方税务局 [单项选择]某零售企业对期末存货成本采用零售价法计算确定。该企业至2003年3月份月初存货成本为600000元,售价总额为900000元;本月购入存货2200000元,售价总额为2600000元;本月实现销售收入总额为2980000元。该企业月末应结转的商品销售成本为( )元。
A. 416000 B. 2080000 C. 2384000 D. 2800000 [单选题]蓄电池设备集中站有()块
A.36 B.16 C.24 D.32 [简答题] 简述对于组织主体商务策划的作用。p175
[判断题]喷油泵出油阀座面磨损过大,会造成喷油泵不喷油。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]清理皮带下部,二层皮带架时,使用专用工具(铁耙)把矿扒到行走侧,再用锹铲到皮带上。皮带下部地面卫生禁止使用扫帚清扫。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患者男,近几日咳嗽、咳痰,痰色为砖红色胶冻样痰,偶见痰中带有血丝,怀疑该患者的致病菌是:()
A. 衣原体 B. 支原体 C. 金黄色葡萄球菌 D. 肺炎链球菌 E. 克雷伯杆菌 [单项选择]
With its 2X optical zoom lens, 3.2 megapixels and the size of a credit card, the Canon Digital Power- Shot S230 camera, introduced in September, 2002, might strike some as a marvel. But the company is bet- ting that its new target market of young white-collar women, who have not been the primary buyers of dig- ital cameras, will love the tiny wonder for its look. [填空题]超声波衰减的原因很多,主要包括扩散衰减、散射衰减和( )。
[单项选择]中毒后不能用高锰酸钾洗胃的是( )。
A. 杀虫脒 B. 对硫磷 C. 磷化锌 D. 盐酸吗啡 E. 马钱子 我来回答: 提交