Var A: Array[1..100, 1..100] OF integer;
i, j: integer;
FOR i:=1 to 100 DO
FOR j:=1 to 100 DO
设每个页面可存放200个整数变量,变量i、j存放在程序页中。初始时,程序及i、j均已在内存,其余3页为空。若矩阵A按行序存放,那么当程序执行完后共产生 (3) 次缺页中断;若矩阵A按列序存放,那么当程序执行完后共产生 (4) 次缺页中断。
If books had never been discovered, man
would have found some other way of recording his communication. But then, for
our consideration, we should include as books everything that is a written
record. This would include tablets, papyrus and anything else—including computer
diskettes. In the case of music, it would be impossible to think that man can
live without it. Looking at primitive cultures, it appears that music is
actually a part of the human psyche. When two things are knocked together, music
is produced. So for the sake of our discussion, it is intended to restrict the
meaning of music to the popularly accepted concept. Music is the pleasing
combination of sounds that we like to listen to. Though it is difficult to, we can pretend that these things never existed. In this case we would not miss them today. To compare with recent inventions, l A. (A) music like books is a human invention B. (B) it is crucial for self-expression C. (C) enjoyable sounds exist in our environment D. (D) plays, songs and movies depend on it [单选题]带电装表接电工作时,应采取防止( )的安全措施。
A.短路和电弧灼伤 B.电弧灼伤 C.短路 D.感应电 [单项选择]Ames试验最常用的实验方法是()
A. 共培养法 B. 预培养法 C. 平板掺入法 D. 点试法 E. 突变法 [填空题]世界市场在世界范围内发挥着()的作用。
[判断题]根据海关规定,报关员代理报关主体办理进出口货物报关纳税等海关事务。 ( )
A. 有可能出现自杀观念和致死性自杀行为 B. 不可能出现自杀企图 C. 有可能出现轻生观念,但不会出现自杀行为 D. 有可能出现自杀行为,但仅仅是为了引起关注 E. 不会考虑与自杀有关的问题 [单项选择]在()条件下,保温层厚度判定符合设计要求。
A. 当实测芯样厚度的平均值达到设计厚度的95%及以上且最小值不低于设计厚度的90% B. 当实测芯样厚度的平均值达到设计厚度的95%及以上或最小值不低于设计厚度的90% C. 当实测芯样厚度的平均值达到设计厚度的90%及以上且最小值不低于设计厚度的85% D. 当实测芯样厚度的平均值达到设计厚度的90%及以上或最小值不低于设计厚度的85% 我来回答: 提交