The fact that most Americans live in
urban areas does not mean that they {{U}}reside{{/U}} in the center of large cities.
In fact, more Americans live in the suburbs of large metropolitan areas than in
the cities themselves. The Bureau of the Census regards any area with more than 2,500 people as an urban area, and does not consider boundaries of cities and suburbs. According to the Bureau, the political boundaries are less significant than the social and economic relationships and the transportation and communication systems that {{U}}integrate{{/U}} a locale. The term used by the Bureau for an integrated metropolis is an MSA, which stands for Metropolitan Statistical Area. In general, an MSA is any area that contains a city and its surrounding suburbs and has a total population of 50,000 or more. At the present time, the Bureau rep A. benefit B. define C. unite D. restrict [判断题]《局铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》职业素质要求:积极工作,勇于奉献,热爱集体,团结协作,有团队精神。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]有关正常男性生殖器官检查的叙述不正确的是
A.阴毛呈梭形分布 B.阴茎长度7~10cm C.睾丸体积12~25ml D.前列腺双侧对称、中央沟存在 E.精囊扪及无触痛 [填空题]客车同一转向架左右旁承间隙之和的运用限度()。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]Today I visited the Smiths--my first time visit 76. ______
to a American family. They live in a small 77. ______ town. It was very kind for them to meet me 78. ______ at the railway station and drove me to their home. 79. ______ The Smiths did his best to make me feel comfortable 80. ______ at home. They offered me coffee and other 81. ______ drinks. We have a good time talking and laughing 82. ______ together. They were eager know everything about 83. ______ China and asked me lots of question. In fact, 84. ______ they are planning to visit China in next year. 85. ______ [单项选择]诊断颅内压升高的主要依据是
A. 头痛 B. 欧吐 C. 复视 D. 视乳头水肿 E. 昏迷 [单选题]混凝沉淀就是使水中( )相互产生凝聚作用,成为大颗粒絮凝体沉淀。
A.垃圾 B.钙、镁离子 C.悬浮物 [单选题]囚犯的危险程度是最大或最小应由押送人员确定,并在表格上注明,只允许运送____名最大危险性的囚犯,需要____名押送人员。
A.1/1 B.2/2 C.1/2 D.2/4 [多选题]采用排油注氮保护装置的变压器,应配置具有联动功能的双浮球结构的气体继电器;动作逻辑关系应为()同时动作时才能启动排油充氮保护
A.变压器超温保护 B.变压器断路器跳闸 C.油箱超压开关(火灾探测器) D.本体重瓦斯保护 [多选题]甲意图杀死其妻,某日误以碱面为砒霜投放其妻将要吃的粥碗中,其妻吃后安然无事。甲的行为属于()。
A.对象错误 B.故意犯罪 C.意外事件 D.手段错误 [判断题]( )选择公差等级的原则,是尽可能选用较高的公差等级。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]SQL是哪几个英语单词的缩写
A. Standard Query Language B. Structured Query Language C. Select Query Language D. 其他三项都不是 [单项选择]西方发达国家一般以()为基准,对高级管理人员则实行()。
A. 月工资制;年薪制 B. 小时工资制;年薪制 C. 小时工资制;月工资制 D. 月工资制;月工资制 [单选题]‡年1月12日,500kV甲线因绝缘子串掉串故障跳闸,重合不成功,停运时间超24小时。根据《国家电网有限公司安全事故调查规程》(国家电网安监〔2020〕820号),该事件应定级为( )。
A.六级电网事件 B.六级设备事件 C.七级电网事件 D.七级设备事件 [多项选择]根据《中华人民共和国审计法》的规定,审计机关在审计过程中具有的监督检查权包括()
A. 要求被审计单位按照审计机关规定的期限和要求报送与财政财务收支有关的资料 B. 就审计事项的有关问题向相关单位和个人进行调查取证 C. 制止被审计单位转移、隐匿、篡改、毁弃与财政财务收支有关的资料 D. 在被审计单位违规转移、隐匿违法取得的资产时自行采取保全措施 E. 向社会公布审计结果 [简答题]SDH传输系统可通过网管的性能管理功能,监视( )来了解系统同步状况。
A.将交输活门打开 B.将两个主油箱的油泵电门都关断 C.无需机组采取措施,发动机会从中央油箱中吸油 D.无法使用中央油箱的燃油 [判断题]航空安全员队伍由公共航空运输企业客舱服务部门实行统一管理。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交