If you are having problems with a
difficult boss, first of all you need to talk to her. She may not know you are
having trouble. By {{U}} (56) {{/U}} such a meeting while {{U}} (57)
{{/U}} your feelings, you could be come across as an irrational person while
you finally {{U}} (58) {{/U}} her. No one, least {{U}} (59) {{/U}}
all management, wants to listen hysterical {{U}} (60) {{/U}} . Before you
speak with your supervisor, prepare your {{U}} (61) {{/U}}Make sure your
requests are {{U}} (62) {{/U}}. For example, if you want a bigger office,
{{U}} (63) {{/U}}whether one is actually {{U}} (64) {{/U}} Are
your expectations realistic7 Try to {{U}} (65) {{/U}} any objections your
boss may {{U}} (66) {{/U}}.Think positive. Go over the meeting in your
{{U}} (67) {{/U}} and predict how your boss will {{U}} (68)
{{/U}}. Plan how you’ll deal w A. make up B. bring about C. bring up D. make out [单项选择]杯状花序中每朵雄花()。
A. 无花被 B. 仅一枚雄蕊 C. 无花柄 D. 无花托 E. A和B F. A、B、C和D [单项选择]当向水中加入酸时,()增大。
A. [H+] B. [OH-] C. [H+]和[OH-] [多选题]关于诈骗罪,下列哪些选项是正确的
A.收藏家甲受托为蒋某的藏品进行鉴定,甲明知该藏品价值100万,但故意贬其价值后以1万元收买,甲的行为构成诈骗罪 B.文物贩子乙收购一些赝品,冒充文物低价卖给张某,乙的行为构成诈骗罪 C.店主丙在柜台陈列了两块标价5万元的玉石,韩某讲价后以4万元购得一块,赵某讲价后以3万元购得另一块,丙对韩某构成诈骗罪 D.画家丁临摹了著名画家周某的一幅名画,王某购买时明知其非正品,丁对王某构成诈骗 [简答题]四逆汤、当归四逆汤、乌梅丸均治厥逆证,三者在病因、病机,主治证候及用药特点上有何区别?
[单选题]HXN3型内燃机车( )对面右手侧第二排最下方为辅助空压机接触器。
A.空滤间 B.电气室 C.冷却室 D.机械室 [单项选择]醇与()反应,生成醇纳并放出氢气。
A. 金属纳 B. 氧化钠 C. 碳酸纳 D. 氢氧化钠 [填空题]S1S4
A.警容严整,摆正好心态 B.轻敲三下门,与主人笑脸相迎,同时自报家门 C.说明来意,征得主人同意 D.直接进入便可 [判断题]屏蔽门具有障碍物的检测及处理功能,并有障碍物故障报警功能。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]传染性非典型肺炎的传播方式为 ( )
A.短距离空气飞沫 B.接触患者呼吸道分泌物 C.密切接触 D.性传播 E.血液传播 [单项选择]属于稳定细胞的是()
A. 肝细胞 B. 神经细胞 C. 呼吸道黏膜细胞 D. 内分泌细胞 E. 神经胶质细胞 [多项选择]利用热膨胀的原理进行温度测量的温度计有()。
A. 热电偶 B. 双金属温度计 C. 压力式温度计 D. 热电阻 [判断题]2.10 机动车驾驶人逾期不参加审验仍驾驶机动车的,由公安机关交通管理部门处五百元以上一千元以下罚款。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Natural disasters strike rich countries as well as needy ones, but the trail of devastation they leave behind is usually far greater in poor places. Worse, insurance payouts cover a much larger chunk of the costs of recovery in rich countries than in poor ones, where few individuals or companies take out disaster cover. Most of the burden of financing reconstruction falls on foreign governments and multilateral agencies. It will be no different in Haiti after the earthquake that struck this month.
Developing countries have some options to help them manage the fallout from natural disasters. The World Bank helped the Mexican government raise $290m in October by placing "catastrophe bonds", which pay investors generous yields against the loss of their principal in the event that disaster strikes. Until now such bonds have largely been the preserve of rich-country issuers: in 2009 Munich Re estimates that 80% of issuance was to cover risks in America. But Francis Ghesquiere of A. It is not easy to explain the important items of insurance in normal times. B. The severity of the disaster is not big enough to trigger a payout. C. The insurance premiums are too expensive for poor countries to afford. D. The insurance payout can’t meet the need for recovery. 我来回答: 提交