案例五:李先生打算为刚上小学的儿子筹备大一的开支。他准备采用教育储蓄的方式进行。为此,他向理财规划师咨询有关问题。 根据案例五,回答24~30题: |
Most people dislike rattlesnakes. Years
ago people commonly believed that these and other snakes had the power to cast a
spell on people. Some people become almost terrified at the thought of even
seeing a rattler. Even the lover of the outdoors is compelled to. look out for
these creatures. However, a few sensible precautions decrease the chances
of being struck by any poisonous snake. Rattlers come in a variety of sizes—from about two feet in length to over six feet. At the end of the rattler’ s tail it is a set of rings. These make up the rattle. When the snake is alarmed, the tail shakes, causing a warning noise to be transmitted a considerable distance. Rattlers may be found in nearly all states and in some Canadian provinces. However, most of them arc more at home in dry places, such as the western United States A. play no role in controlling the population of mice and rats B. play a more important role than owls and hawks in reducing the number of mice and rats C. play a certain role in limiting the population of mice and rats D. play a less important role than owls and hawks in reducing the population of mice and rats [多选题]患者,男性,45岁,高热,体温38.9℃,有家禽密切接触,高度怀疑患者为禽流感,严密隔离的具体措施正确的是( )
A.患者住单人病室,过道门窗关闭,患者走出病室须戴口罩 B.禁止探视与陪护 C.接触患者须戴口罩、帽子,穿隔离衣、隔离鞋 D.患者的用物应严格消毒处理 E.病室每周消毒两次 [判断题]重金属如 Fe、Ni、Cu、V 等在裂化催化剂上沉积,会降低催化剂的选择性。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]以下哪项是清营汤证的发热特点()
A. 骨蒸发热 B. 午后低热 C. 身热夜甚 D. 身热不扬 E. 夜热早凉 [单选题]急性肾衰竭多尿期明显利尿时,每天补液量为
A.A:相当于每天排出水分量的1/3~1/2 B.B:等于每天排出的水分量 C.C:相当于每天排出水分量的1倍 D.D:每天补液量 2000~2500ml E.E:不补液 [单选题]57.行政许可采取集中办理、联合办理的,应当在多长时间内作出行政许可决定?
A.15日 B.20日 C.30日 D.45日 [单选题]远距离、弱联系、重负荷线路易发生( )现象。
A.自励磁 B.次同步振荡 C.低频振荡 [简答题]日本动漫《龙猫》中,虎皮猫变成了哪种交通工具?
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]实现西(安)咸(阳)经济一体化,形成国际现代化大都市,城镇群集聚发展,城乡统筹取得突破,城镇化率达到( )。
A. 10% B. 20% C. 50% D. 60% [单项选择]某高校图书馆去年有书籍830000本,分为学术型和非学术型两种,今年学术型书籍比去年少6%,非学术型比去年多5%,总和增加3000本,问今年学术型有______本。
A. 329000 B. 350000 C. 371000 D. 504000 [判断题]托运人根据自愿申请办理保价运输的,按照实际损失赔偿,但最高不得超过保价额。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]引起肘关节后脱位的常见病因是
A. 用手猛提重物 B. 肘后受暴力打击 C. 肘关节伸直上肢外层位向后跌倒,手掌着地 D. 上肢外展、外旋、后伸肘部着地 E. 上肢外展位突然上举 [单项选择]“年少从军不为苦,长戟短刀气如虎。男儿志在立功名,青海西头擒赞普”。诗中“赞普”是对我国古代哪一少数民族首领的称呼?()
A. 回纥 B. 南诏 C. 靺鞨 D. 吐蕃 [多选题]交流发电机由 ( )等组成。
A.风扇及V带轮 B.转子 C.定子 D.硅二极管 E.励磁绕组 [单项选择]
M:I think we should buy a new color TV. But we don’t have enough money. A. They can’t offer to buy a motorbike. B. They want to buy a color TV tomorrow. C. They want to save more money for a motorbike. D. They don’t have enough money for a color TV. [判断题]非银行机构发生担保履约的,可凭加盖外汇局印章的担保登记文件直接到银行办理担保履约项下购汇或对外支付。在办理国际收支间接申报时,该笔担保登记时取得的业务编号可不填写。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]压力容器发生爆炸或其他重大事故时,生产、安全、机动等有关部门应迅速赶赴现场,认真做好现场保护工作,成立()。
A. 安全监察小组 B. 安全保卫小组 C. 事故调查小组 D. 生产管理小组 我来回答: 提交