After losing her job and home in 1984,
Lynn Carr was living on the streets of St. Charles, Montana, with her
five-year-old son. "We slept in our car for about a week," she said, "but then
it was sold." As she moved from one friend’s house to another, Carr began working toward a high-school- equivalence diploma, listening to self-help tapes and making cheesecakes. After developing some new methods which she thought were pretty good, she offered her cakes to a restaurant. They sold out in a matter of hours. The following year, she met a man at a church service and before long, they married. Carr began selling the cheesecakes out of their home. Later she opened a cheesecake company. As business became better and better, Carr didn’t forget where she came from. All the women she A. was once a school dropout herself B. had few friends to turn to for help C. had to sell her car for a new one D. didn’t work hard enough to keep her job [填空题]软件需求规格说明书应具有完整性、无歧义性、正确性、可验证性、可修改性等特性,其中最重要的是 【1】 。
A.进行制止 B.上报有关部门 C.报警 D.中止供电 [单项选择]()应急措施是错误的
A. 汽油发生泄漏后,立即匍匐前进,以防止蒸汽中毒 B. 不慎吸入汽油蒸汽,应立即脱离现场至空气清新处 C. 皮肤不慎接触,立即脱去污染衣着,用肥皂水和清水冲洗 D. 不慎食入,应给饮牛奶或植物油洗胃和灌肠,就医 [判断题]复杂直流电路中,节点指2个或2个以上电流的汇合点。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]叫检查单的过程中,为了节省时间,可以不叫出检查单的全称。此说法是否正确?
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]某居民用户4月份的电费总额为95元,无历欠电费,电力部门规定的交费日期为每月15日至25日,该居民户1月5日到供电营业厅交费,该用户应交纳的电费违约金为(____)元。
A.3 B.1 C.2 D.4 [单选题]夯实机使用的电缆线应采用耐气候型四芯橡皮护套软电缆,长度不应大于( )。
A.50m B.55m C.60m D.70m [单选题].起吊重物人员司机、( )必须持证上岗。
A. 工作负责人 B.安全监护人 C.地面指挥 D.检查人员 [多选题]某女,42岁,务农,已婚,经济生活拮据,平时缺乏体力活动,肥胖,饮酒多年,每次饮白酒超过100毫升。有下呼吸道感染,乙肝阳性,高密度脂蛋白胆固醇异常,血压:收缩压120-129mmhg,舒张压80-89mmhg。根据该女士上述的身体状况及特点,回答下列问题。
为该女士指定健康计划,因其平时缺乏体力活动,进行运动时她听该做到( )
A.注意量力而行 B.学习安全注意事项 C.采取必要的保护措施 D.掌握发生意外时嗯哒应急处置技能 E.自我检测运动中不适症状 我来回答: 提交