Charles Reznikoff (1894~1976) worked
relentlessly, never leaving New York but for a brief stay in Hollywood, of all
places. He was admired by Pound and Kenneth Burke. and often published his own
works; in the Depression era, he managed a treadle printing press in his
basement. He wrote three sorts of poems: exceptionally short imagistic lyrics;
longer pieces crafted and cobbled from other sources, often from the Judaic
tradition: and book-length poems wrought from the testimony both of Holocaust
trials and from the courtrooms of mm-of-the-century America. Two of these
full-length volumes were indeed titled Testimony, as was an earlier prose work;
it was a word that kept him close company. When asked late in life to
define his poetry, it was not the word he chose. "Objectivist,’ he wrote, naming his longstanding group, and mimi A. show that the force is lessoned in this way B. show that the poem is not impressionistic C. show that the poem is immutable D. show that the poem IS compressed [多选题](2019年真题)下列物质中,燃烧时燃烧类型既存在表面燃烧也存在分解燃烧的有()。
A.纯棉织物 B.PVC 电缆 C.金属铝条 D.木制人造板 E.电视机外壳 [简答题]简述CH4的物理性质。
男,28岁,反复上腹痛2年,以夜间及为主,加重并呕吐宿食1周,伴口渴及少尿,该患者可能存在的电解质紊乱类型是 A.低钙 B.高钾高氯 C.高钙 D.高钠高氯 E.低钾低氯 [单选题]碘伏的作用和用法,不正确的说法是
A.可杀灭各种细菌繁殖体 B.是碘与表面活性剂的不定型络合物 C.对细菌芽胞、真菌和病毒杀灭作用较差 D.可配成水或乙醇溶液使用,乙醇溶液杀菌作用更强 E.器械消毒 [简答题]“现代交通通信的发展,企业管理人员和员工素质的提高,为组织的扁平化提供了良好的条件,所以管理者要不断地提高管理幅度,从而降低管理成本,提高管理效率。”这句话对吗?请用管理幅度和管理层次的关系来解析之。
[单选题]紫外线灯应在下列哪个时间开始计时消毒 ( )
A.灯亮后开始 B.灯亮后2~3分钟 C.灯亮后5~7分钟 D.灯亮后半小时 E.灯亮后6~8分钟 [多选题]车站当日需解行的票款、兑零款由()和()在监控仪下清点、加封及完成相关单据的填写,其他所有现金的加封均需双人负责加封。
A.站务员 B.客运值班员 C.值班站长 D.站区管理人员 [单选题]当评价结果用于评选最佳员工时,()是一个十分有效的方法。
A.配对比较法 B.强制分配法 C.等级择一法 D.行为锚定量表法 [单项选择]临时钙化带()
A. 均匀致密阴影 B. 横行薄层致密线影 C. 均匀半透明影 D. 松质骨结构影 E. X线平片不显示 [单选题]针入度指数既可以反映沥青的热稳定性,又可以表征沥青的条件黏度。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]电容型验电器工频耐压试验周期为( )。
A.4年 B.3年 C.2年 D.1年 我来回答: 提交