American culture has not been immune to
cultural influences from outside. The idea of democracy came from the ancient
Greeks; the Industrial Revolution started in England; jazz and rock music
preserve African rhythms—to pick a few examples. Indeed, many of the things we
think of as "100 percent American" came from other cultures. Still, most of the changes in American culture over the last century have come from within, as the result of inventions and discoveries. And change has been dramatic. One hundred years ago the United States was largely a nation of farmers. Many of the things we take for granted today—a high school education, for example, or indoor plumbing—were luxuries then. The moon was a light for lovers, not a site for scientific exploration; genetic engineering (基因工程) was not even a subject for science fiction, mu A. The influence of African culture. B. The American culture changes in 1970s. C. The influence of American culture. D. The development of science and technology. [多选题]06CG002179.营销管理系统“远程获取抄表数据”菜单抄表方式包含( )。
A.远程负荷管理终端遥抄 B.远程配变遥抄 C.远程厂站遥抄 D.远程低压遥抄 [单项选择]下面哪个指标数量少,说明工作有成效()
A. 入户调查的数量 B. 回收调查表格的数量 C. 选定样本拒绝访问数 D. 日访问人数 [简答题]
材料一网络的迅猛发展给信息交流带来快捷方便的同时也使谣言插上了翅膀。目前,国家互联网信息办公室、公安部等多个部门联合整治网络谣言。谣言捕风捉影、似是而非,缺乏事实根据,带有很强的迷惑性和危害性。 [单项选择]关于囊尾蚴病的临床表现,下列错误的是()
A. 癫痫是脑实质型脑囊尾蚴病最常见的症状 B. 脑室型脑囊尾蚴病有时可表现为活瓣综合征 C. 约2/3的患者有皮下囊尾蚴结节 D. 眼囊尾蚴病多为双眼感染,最常寄生的部位在玻璃体和视网膜下 E. 心肌也可有囊尾蚴寄生 [判断题]集中联锁设备应能监督是否挤岔,并于挤岔的同时,使防护该进路的信号机自动关闭,被挤道岔未恢复前,有关信号机不能开放。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]铁路接触网避雷器均通过一个支持绝缘子固定后上网的,所以当避雷器发生爆炸,不会出现避雷器引线侵入基本建筑限界的现象。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]按照西方经济学的观点,失业的类型有()。
A. 季节性失业 B. 摩擦性失业 C. 结构性失业 D. 周期性失业 E. 非常情况失业 [判断题]表示设备断开和允许进入间隔的信号以及常设的测量仪表显示无电时,不得作为设备无电压的依据。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交