If you traveled on one of the nation’s
Interstates in these last few days before Memorial Day, you might have
encountered an unusual sight; bikers by the dozens stretched half a mile down
the highway, their motorcycles flying military banners and spewing
exhaust. They are an intimidating bunch. Sheathed in leather from the neck down, they look like physical extensions of their bikes. But these riders are no motley crew. They are members of Rolling Thunder, a nationwide network of veterans and their supporters. Their destination: the Rolling Thunder Memorial Day rally on the National Mall in Washington. Rolling Thunder, which has thousands of members, was founded in 1987 when some Vietnam veterans and advocates for P. O. W. ’s and M. I. A. ’s befriended one another on the mall. They were looking f A. it was a nationwide network of veterans and their supporters founded in 1987 that affiliated to Rolling Thunder National. B. It was an organization founded in 1995 that works year-round for veterans’ fights. C. It was named Rolling Thunder because masses of bikes descending on Washington would literally sound like Rolling Thunder. D. It was named Rolling Thunder because it was the code name for the bombing campaign over North Vietnam during the Vietnam war. [单项选择]为了提高窗户的保温性能而在玻璃上涂贴的薄膜特性应为()。
A. 容易透过短波辐射,难透过长波辐射 B. 容易透过长波辐射,难透过短波辐射 C. 对长波和短波都容易透过 D. 对长波和短波都难透过 [判断题]( )电力系统变电所中的远动终端RTU是电网调度自动化系统中的信息采集和命令执行子系统。5/102
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]创新创业教育是适应经济社会发展需要应运而生的一种教育理念,是(),结合专业教育,将创新创业教育融入人才培养全过程的一种教育模式。
A. 面向全体学生 B. 针对部分学生 C. 面向有志于创业的学生 D. 针对有志于成功的学生 [单选题]肌力三级表现( )
A.无肌肉收缩 B.有轻微收缩,但不能引起关节活动 C.解出重力影响,能做全关节的范围活动 D.能抗重力作全关节的范围活动,但不能抗阻力 E.能抗重力,抗一定阻力运动 [判断题] 民警在识别可以爆炸物时,不应该立即打开物品并进行判断。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在国宴中冷盘的总成本应控制在整个筵席总成本的( )左右。
A. 10% B. 15% C. 20% D. 30% [判断题]现代企业管理学认为,企业管理的重点在经营,而经营的核心是计划。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]引起漏出性胸腔积液的主要疾病是()
A. 肺脓肿 B. 肺结核 C. 充血性心力衰竭 D. SLE E. 风湿热 [多选题]关于钻床的使用,以下说法正确的是( )
A.使用钻床时,应将工件设置牢固后,方可开始工作 B.清除钻孔内金属碎屑时,应先停止钻头的转动 C.禁止用手直接清除铁屑 D.使用钻床应戴手套 [填空题]电刷磨短至规定值时必须更换,一般由刷下边距铜辫至少应有()mm。
A.历史记录丢失 B.选型不当 C.附件不全而无法配置 D.其他选项都是 [判断题]高处作业人员应经过体检.培训.考核合格后方可上岗。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]当扣件脚手架立杆采用搭接接长时,搭接长度不应小于( )m,并应采用不少于( ) 个旋转扣件固定。
A.0.5,1 B.0.5,2 C.1.1 D.1.3 [单选题]嘉兴市人民政府应当按照规定将( )和行政复议统计结果及分析材料分别报送上一级人民政府。
A.行政处罚 B.行政拘留 C.行政许可 D.行政诉讼 [单选题] 橡胶的着火点为( )。
A.80 ℃ B.90 ℃ C.120 ℃ D.140 ℃ [单选题] 电气设备分高压和低压,高压电气设备是指电压等级在( )V 及以上者
A.250 B.500 C.750 D.1000 [判断题]CA7-8机组主要生产无取向硅钢,带钢中硅含量不会超过4%,含量极低。硅含量的变化不会对焊缝质量造成直接的影响。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交