Blinks can take several forms. Besides
the blinks that wash the eye, there are those associated with unexpected
circumstances (such as loud noises), as well as the voluntary flaps of the
eyelids that may express anger or incredulity. Another type, the spontaneous eye
blink, is neither voluntary nor reflexive. Most blinks are
spontaneous. Mere eye-rinsing requires a blink no more than once a minute; yet most people blink around 15 times a minute. Why do we blink so frequently Apparently there is a direct relationship between spontaneous blinking and the mind. Scientists can now discern how the frequency and duration of blinks vary according to whether a person is alert, bored, anxious or concentrating. Studies show first of all that we blink less when we are most alert. A person reading a novel blinks about six times a A. anxiety and tension increase the frequency of blinking B. Dukakis blinked more than Bush C. Dukakis was more nervous when asked if he’d raise taxes D. Dukokis had no intention of raising taxes [单选题]下列核酸中,含稀有碱基最多的是(∗)
A.rRNA B.tRNA C.mRNA D.核仁DNA E.线粒体DNA [单项选择]男性,30岁,近10年反复咳嗽、咯脓痰,间断痰中带血,晨起为重,抗炎治疗后病情可暂时短期缓解,但从未系统体检。
患者出现大咯血,一次咯血>200ml,每日咯血>500ml,监测血压为:80/40mmHg,四肢厥冷,心率130次/分,神志恍惚,血常规血红蛋白65g/L,提问:需要的紧急处理不包括( )
A. 体位引流 B. 控制感染 C. 积极补液及输血 D. 应用静脉止血药物 E. 保持呼吸道通畅 [判断题]舰艇处于北半球台风的右半圆航行时,若风浪已经很猛烈,不能继续航行或受活动范围限制时,必须使舰首小角度迎着风浪,以适合当时情况的主机航速顶风航行,使台风中心从舰尾后方过去()。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患者,女性,38岁。颈前肿大,按之震颤,急躁易怒,烦热多汗,多言手颤,消谷善饥,身体消瘦,口干口苦,舌红苔黄,脉弦数。中医治疗宜选用()
A. 一贯煎 B. 知柏地黄丸 C. 龙胆泻肝汤 D. 三甲复脉汤 E. 逍遥丸 [单项选择]公共救济大范围的疏漏导致了对民间道德资源的过度开发,本应是辅助性的爱心救助,成为一种经常性的道德驱使,过度开发对社会道德生态的破坏是巨大的。此题可推出的最主要的信息是()。
A. 公共救济大范围的疏漏在于辅助性的爱心救助 B. 过度开发对社会道德生态的破坏是巨大的 C. 公共救济与社会道德密切相关 D. 民间道德资源的过度开发对社会道德生态有很大的危害 [判断题]系统允许对到期的贷款办理借新还旧,对借新还旧贷款,允许将一笔业务分拆成多笔业务或多笔业务合并成一笔业务进行操作。()
A.只有 1 个⾎清型 B.有 2 个⾎清型 C.有 3 个⾎清型 D.有 4 个⾎清型E.有 5 个以上⾎清型 [单选题]进行水轮机大轴的联轴和分解工作时,( )应可靠固定。
A.A.拐臂 B.B.导水叶 C.C.转子 D.D.转轮 [判断题]授予一级消防士、二级消防士、三级消防士、四级消防士、预备消防士,由支队级单位正职领导批准。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]The government is to ban payments to witnesses by newspapers seeking to buy up people involved in prominent cases________the trial of Rosemary West.
In a significant________of legal controls over the press, Lord Irvine, the Lord Chancellor, will introduce a________bill that will propose making payments to witnesses________and will strictly control the amount of________that can be given to a case________a trial begins.
In a letter to Gerald Kaufman, chairman of the House of Commons media select committee, Lord Irvine said he________with a committee report this year which said that self regulation did not________sufficient control.
________of the letter came two days after Lord Irvine caused a________of media protest when he said the________of privacy controls contained in European legislation would be left to judges________to Parliament.
The Lord Chancellor said introduction of the Human Rights Bill, which________the European Convention on Human Rights legally____
A. A.sided B. shared C. complied D.agreed [单项选择]The author gives substance to the passage through the use of______.
A. interviews with authorities in the field of water controls B. definitions which clarify important terms C. opinions and personal observations D. strong arguments and persuasions [单选题]()为多级安全巡视的一部分。
A.车间主管安全巡视 B.主任巡视 C.车间安全巡视 D.班组安全巡视 [判断题]5G MEC边缘云只能提供现场专享模式
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]使用钻床、车床等转动机械时严禁()。
A. 观看 B. 穿长衣服 C. 人员靠近 D. 戴手套 我来回答: 提交