Our bodies are wonderfully skilful at
maintaining balance. When the temperature jumps, we sweat to cool down. When our
blood pressure falls, our hearts pound to compensate. As it turned out, though,
our natural state is not a steady one. Researchers are finding that everything
from blood pressure to brain function varies rhythmically with the cycles of
sun, moon and seasons. And their insights are yielding new strategies for
keeping away such common killers as heart disease and cancer. Only one doctor in
20 has a good knowledge of the growing field of "chronotherapeutics," the
strategic use of time (chronoa) in medicine. But according to a new American
Medical Association poll, three out of four are eager to change that. "The field
is exploding", says Michael Smolensky. "Doctors used to look at us like, ’What
space ship did yo A. Doctors know less about chronotherapeutics than before. B. Doctors in the U. S. used to be thirsty to know more about the new medical field. C. The researchers insights are providing new strategies to cure common killers. D. The strategic use of time in medicine attracts more attention in the medical circle in the U.S. [多选题]钻开含硫油气层前应对( )进行试压。
A.全井套管; B.井口附近套管; C.高压管汇; D.全套井控装备。 [单项选择]以下关于SET协议的描述中,错误的是()。
A. 可以保证信息在因特网上传输的安全性 B. 可以让商家了解客户的所有帐户信息 C. 可以使商家和客户相互认证 D. 需要与认证中心进行交互 [单选题] 机主要由( )个部分组成。
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 [判断题] 在电压低于额定值的一定比例后能自动断电的称为欠压保护。(1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]惰性气体保护焊常采用的气体为()。
A.氦气 B.氖气 C.氩气 D.氙气 E.氡气 [多项选择]《古兰经》内容广泛,它包括()
A. 教义 B. 教法 C. 伦理道德 D. 神话 E. 寓言 [判断题]会计账簿是由一定格式的账页组成,以经过审核的会计凭证为依据,全面、系统、连续的记录和反映各项经济业务。()
A. 表示事物内部各部分所占的比重 B. 说明频数分布资料中观察单位的分布状况 C. 描述一组或多组数据的分布特征 D. 描述研究指标的地理分布 E. 说明事物或现象动态变化的趋势 [多选题]侵犯公民生命健康权的赔偿分为( )三种。
A.A B.B C.C D.D E.E F.F G.G [多项选择]工程造价咨询单位资质等级划分为( )。
A. A级 B. 甲级 C. 乙级 D. B级 E. C级 我来回答: 提交