Is it possible that the ideas we have
today about ownership and property rights have been so universal in the human
mind that it is truly as if they had sprung from the mind of God By no means.
The idea of owning and property emerged in the mists of unrecorded history. The
ancient Jews, for one, had a very different outlook on property and ownership,
viewing it as something much more temporary and’ tentative than we do. The ideas we have in America about the private ownership of productive property as a natural and universal right of mankind, perhaps of divine origin, are by no means universal and must be viewed as an invention of man rather than an order of God. O A. a production of early man’s manual work B. a demand for greater productivity in industry C. varying with the shift in human agreements D. denied by socialized production and exchange [单选题]关于艾滋病病人和艾滋病病毒感染者的权利说法不正确的是 。( )
A..艾滋病病毒感染者和艾滋病病毒感染者及其家属不受歧视 B..艾滋病病毒感染者和艾滋病病毒感染者及其家属享有公民依法享有的合法权利和社会福利 C..艾滋病病毒感染者不能工作、学习、享受医疗保健和参加社会活动 D..艾滋病病人和病毒感染者子女拥有入托、入学、就业等权利 [填空题]行李运价里程,按行李()计算。
[单项选择]新进矿山的井下作业职工,接受安全教育、培训的时间不得少于( )小时,考试合格后,必须在有安全工作经验的职工带领下工作满( )个月,然后经再次考核合格,方可独立工作。
A. 24,2 B. 48,4 C. 72,6 D. 72,4 [单项选择]最早的小组模式是( )。
A. 互动模式 B. 发展模式 C. 治疗模式 D. 社会目标模式 [不定项选择题]A.印堂疔
A.承浆疔 B.虎须疔 C.反唇疔 D.以上都不是 E.疔疮发于颏部的称 [单选题]中途折角变更运行方向的货物列车,列车尾部( )辆之内禁止编挂关门车。
A.5 B.3 C.2 D.1 [单选题]甲在路边发现了一具尸体,遂报告了公安机关,公安机关勘验后发现尸体表面无伤口,死因不明,于是决定解剖。但这时死者的父亲乙坚决反对。公安机关应该()。
A.尊重乙的意见,不进行解剖 B.提请人民检察院作出解剖尸体的决定 C.解剖尸体,并通知乙到场 D.解剖尸体,因乙反对解剖,不必通知其到场 我来回答: 提交