My father was a very intelligent man. He got his college degree in mathematics and physics, meaning he had a very cognitive reasoning sense. He was logical. He belonged to Mensa, the organization comprised of the people with the highest IQs in the world, I can remember as a child some of the questions that dad would pose to my brothers and me that came from assorted Mensa tests. I entered college in 1971, at the University of Kentucky. I attended in part due to a music scholarship, but pissed it away by not applying myself. I was sure that dad was the most upset father. I didn’t finish school. I was too young to realize what a college degree could bring me. I transferred to a college close to home for my second year, but it was no use. As the years went by, Dad didn’t hesitate to remind me that I was never too old to go back to college. I never listened to him. I was married, had a young child, and was busy living my own life. Finally, in the spring of 1986, when I ha
A. He was unwilling to follow his father’s instruction.
B. He spent plenty of time improving his own IQs.
C. He was indifferent to his father’s words.
D. He was determined to receive higher education.
My inspiration is my grandmother, who’s
still alive at 96. She raised me from the time I was 8 on a dairy farm in
Wisconsin. In another era she could have done what I do, although I didn’t know
what a CEO was then. I’m a real go-getter and don’t know any other way. I tell
my 12-year-old daughter, if you have a test, why not try for an A I don’t
believe in half doing something. In my career, the biggest shock came in my 20’s. I loved my job as a field systems analyst at 3M, and wanted my first manager’s job at headquarters. They even told me I was the best candidate, totally qualified. Then they told me, "It’s not possible because you’re a woman." I was so shocked that I quit. I had this feeling of being totally blown away as I crawled back to Atlanta. I preach to people: there are no bad bosses. You learn how not to treat people. A. She lost her job as a field systems analyst in 1920s. B. She lost her grandmother who was her inspiration. C. She was denied the post of first manager on account of sexual discrimination. D. She quit after being totally blown away and crawled back home. [判断题]( )2429.)旅行社被吊销旅行社业务经营许可证的,其主要负责人在旅行社业务经营许可被吊销之日起五年内不得担任任何旅行社主要负责人。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]触点的电磨损是由触点间()或()的高温使触点金属气化和蒸以造成的,机械磨损是由于触点接触面()造成的。
A.骨骼改变 B.肌肉松弛 C.蛙状腹 D.运动发育迟缓 E.神经精神症状 [判断题]当汽车高速撞击到路缘石、路中隔离栏或汽车后侧角端发生碰撞时,就可能发生扭转变形。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]滋阴剂药名:()功效:滋肾养肝肝肾阴亏,眩晕耳鸣,羞明畏光,迎风流泪,视物昏花。
[多选题] 醉酒的人在醉酒状态中,应当对其采取保护性措施约束至酒醒的情形有()。
A. 对本人有危险 B. 对他人的人身、财产有威胁 C. 对公共安全有威胁 D. 呕吐物影响市容 [简答题]简述细胞核的基本结构及其主要功能。
[单选题]海因里希事故连锁理论把事故发生过程概括为五个部分,即( )。
A.管理缺陷,环境缺陷,人的不安全行为和物的不安全状态,事故,伤害 B.基本原因,间接原因,人的不安全行为和物的不安全状态,事故,损失 C.遗传及社会环境,人的缺点,人的不安全行为和物的不安全状态,事故,伤害 [多选题] 某省会城市制定的地方性法规,可以创设的行政处罚措施是( )。
A.罚款 B.没收违法所得 C.吊销企业营业执照 D.责令停产、停业 [单项选择](76~77题共用题干)
A. 多巴胺 B. 肾上腺素 C. 麻黄碱 D. 去甲肾上腺素 E. 异丙肾上腺素 [判断题]驾驶机动车在道路上掉头时提前开启左转向灯。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]选用能耗低的变压器是配电网的降损途径之一。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交