By the 1820’s in the United States,
when steamboats were common on western waters, these boats were mostly powered
by engines built in the West (Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, or Louisville), and of a
distinctive western design specially suited to western needs. The first steam
engines{{U}} (21) {{/U}}practical use in England and the United States
were{{U}} (22) {{/U}}low-pressure design. This was the type first{{U}}
(23) {{/U}}by James Watt, then manufactured by the firm of Boulton and
Watt. Steam was{{U}} (24) {{/U}}in a large, double-acting vertical
cylinder, but the steam reached only a few pounds of pressure per square inch.
It was low-pressure engines of this type that{{U}} (25) {{/U}}first introduced
into the United States by Robert Fulton. He{{U}} (26) {{/U}}such a Boulton and
Watt engine from England to run the Clermont. But this type o A. insisted B. consisted C. resisted D. persisted [单项选择]采用三点估算法估算活动持续时间,需要搜集下列各项信息,除了()
A. 最可能时间 B. 平均时间 C. 最乐观时间 D. 最悲观时间 [单选题] ( )是全党全国人民为实现中华民族伟大复兴而奋斗的行动指南。
A.新时代中国特色社会主义思想 B.马克思主义思想 C.中国特色社会主义理论体系 D.中国特色社会主义思想 [单选题]维生素B2缺乏的表现有( )。
A.精神障碍 B.脚气病 C.脂溢性皮炎 D.糙皮病(癞皮病) [单选题]贷款调查实行( )人(含)以上现场与非现场调查方式,以现场实地调查为主,较大额度的贷款应有法人机构班子成员参与调查。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [多选题]建筑施工特种作业人员在资格证书有效期内,有( )情形之一的,延期复核结果为不合格。
A.超过相关工种规定年龄要求的 B.身体健康状况不再适应相应特种作业岗位的 C.对生产安全事故负有责任的 D.2年内违章操作记录达3次(含3次)以上的 E.未按规定参加年度安全教育培训或者继续教育的 [单选题]施工现场各类配电箱和开关箱必须确定( )和维护责任人。
A.检修 B.修理 C.管理 [单项选择]与细菌耐药性有关的结构是______
A. 性菌毛 B. 细菌染色体 C. 质粒 D. 鞭毛 E. 异染颗粒 [单项选择]The gravitational pull of the earth and moon is important to us as we attempt to conquer more and more of outer space. Here’s why.
As a rocket leaves the earth, the pull of the earth on it becomes less and less as the rocket roars out into space. If you imagine a line between the earth and the moon, there’s a point somewhere along that line, nearer to the moon than to the earth, at which the gravitational pull of both the earth and the moon on an object is just about equal. An object placed on the moon side of that point would be drawn to the moon. An object placed on the earth side of that point would be drawn to the earth. Therefore, a rocket need be sent only to this "point of no return" in order to get it to the moon. The moon’s gravity will pull it the rest of the way. The return trip of the rocket to the earth is, in some ways, less of a problem. The earth’s gravitational field reaches far closer to the moon than does the moon’s to earth. Thus, it will be necessary to f A. the rocket B. the pull of the earth C. the pull of the moon D. the gravitational pull of the earth and moon 我来回答: 提交