Adults are getting smarter about how smart babies are. Not long ago, researchers learned that 4-day-olds could understand (1) and subtraction. Now, British research (2) Graham Schafer has discovered that infants can learn words for uncommon things long before they can speak. He found that 9-month-old infants could be taught, through repeated show and-tell, to (3) the names of objects that were foreign to them, a result that (4) in some ways the received (5) that, apart from learning to (6) things common to their daily lives, children don’t begin to build vocabulary until well into their second year. "It’s no (7) that children learn words, but the, words they tend to know are words linked to (8) situations in the home," explains Schafer. " (9) with an unfamiliar voice giving instructions in an unfamiliar setting." Figuring out how humans acquire language may shed light on why some children learn to read and write later than others,
Human sympathy {{U}} (62) {{/U}}
whales is only natural of all the creatures in the sea. {{U}} (63) {{/U}}
are closer relatives to us than these warm-blooded mammals. And how they got
into the sea is one of the most fascinating stories of {{U}} (64) {{/U}}
Most authorities believe that 60 million years ago ancestors of modern whales
were four-legged, wolf-size animals living on the sea shores, {{U}} (65)
{{/U}} an abundance of fish and shrimp tempted them to try wading.
{{U}} (63) {{/U}} 10 to 15 million years, their bodies grew, forelegs
shrank into flippers used for balance and steering and hind legs disappeared. As
a result of some amazing transformations, they are now helpless on land. If
stranded on a beach, they can barely breathe. With abundant {{U}} (67) {{/U}} of food, whales grew into the largest creatures that lived, {{U}} A. born to be dead B. born dead C. born to death D. born died [单项选择]某酒厂生产的“天宝”牌葡萄酒,其包装正面和两侧的图形、字体、色彩均与已经在我国注册的驰名商标“万宝路”牌卷烟盒相近似,其封口上印的标识也与“万宝路”卷烟封口相近似。该厂所在地的:工商行政管理局发现后,责令该厂停止销售这种葡萄酒,收缴其全部外包装,并处以罚款。关于本案的以下意见中,正确的是( )。
A. 该厂使用的是商品装潢,不构成侵犯他人商标专用权 B. 葡萄酒与卷烟不是同类产品,故本案不存在侵权问题 C. “万宝路”是驰名商标,根据《保护工业产权巴黎公约》,应扩大其保护范围 D. 本案在“万宝路”生产厂家未提出控告的情况下,工商行政管理机关无权查处 [单项选择]指出追求生命的终结,把有机体的生命带回到无生命的状态的是以下哪一选项?()
A. 萨那多斯 B. 维纳斯 C. 宙斯 D. 阿瑞斯 [判断题]竖曲线不得与竖曲线、缓和曲线重叠,不得侵入道岔、调节器及明桥面。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]汽轮机蒸汽带水汽轮机应( )处理.
A.降低汽轮机转速 B.打开蒸汽管线疏水 C.停车 D.提高汽轮机转速 [多选题]总书记指出:“行百里者半九十,中华民族伟大复兴,绝不是轻轻松松,敲锣打鼓就能实现的。”实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦,就是要实现( )。
A.国家富强 B.民族振兴 C.人民幸福 D.社会和谐 [单选题]监狱发现有以暴力、胁迫或者其他手段强奸妇女的(强奸案)的应当 。
A.立案侦查 B.上报省(自治区、直辖市)监狱管理局 C.交公安机关处理 D.上报检察机关处理 [判断题]BD032 违反交通管理行为,主要是违反《道路交通管理条例》及有关法律、法规行为。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]HXD3电力机车辅助变流器将被锁死后,必须切断辅助变流器的控制电源,才可解锁。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]拆卸液力偶合器的易熔塞、防爆片时,面部应躲开喷油的方向。
A. 3h,2h B. 3.5h,2.5h C. 3.5h,3h D. 4h,3h [单项选择]抽油机运转时,连杆碰擦平衡块的边缘,其原因是()。
A. 地脚螺栓松动 B. 减速箱轴承磨损 C. 游梁安装不正 D. 抽油机不平衡 [单项选择]反流性食管炎()
A. 主要为呕血和黑便 B. 胸骨后疼痛、反酸、暖气 C. 上腹部不适、厌食、恶心呕吐 D. 发热、腹痛、呕吐脓样含坏死黏膜 E. 上腹部饱胀、嗳气 [单选题]食源性疾病是指食品中致病因素进入人体引起的感染性、中毒性等疾病。以下举措不可用于预防食源性疾病的是()。
A.食物储存时保持洁净,生熟分开 B.使用冰箱长时间储存食物 C.煮熟食物 D.利用安全的水和原材料加工食物 [单选题]进入受限空间作业所用照明应使用安全电压小于( )的安全行灯。
A.30V B.60V C.24V D.220V [判断题]转向架、轮对转移时超速或脱手溜放,造成转向架、轮对之间碰撞的,按A牌考核相关责任人。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]全部工作完毕后,全体工作人员应在标准作业卡中签名确认;工作负责人应对现场标准化作业情况进行评价,针对问题提出改进措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]分工作票应在总工作票许可后才可许可;总工作票应在所有分工作票终结后才可终结。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]铁路信号的视觉信号的基本颜色为红色、黄色、白色、绿色。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]“随附单据”栏:
A. A B. 7 C. A7 D. 入境货物通关单自动进口许可证 我来回答: 提交