Much social talk, (36) from casual conversation to formal (37) speech has an aim other than to convey information or to achieve agreement on disputed issues. Individuals talk and listen to one (38) , in part simply to enhance sociability--to (39) their enjoyment in being together. Sometimes this is called speech to entertain, but this traditional label has (40) been very satisfactory. Social talk serves a more important function (41) merely to pass time (42) .
A great deal of the (43) and the listening that occurs (44) casual circumstances may seem to be (45) , in the sense that the discourse is relaxed, relatively formless, and expressive of strong and intimate feelings. (46) , such speaking and listening are highly valued. Normal individuals dread being deprived (47) companionship. If required to be (48) for a time, they may mm on the (49) or television, not to learn someth
A. and
B. but
C. for
D. than
对于那些多年打拼事业,都有一定经济基础,而又耽搁了婚期的都市晚婚族来说,“强强联合”虽然让人羡慕,但使资产合理配置则是家庭理财的首要问题。 一、案例成员
A. 75 B. 90 C. 110 D. 130 [单选题] 以下对程序说法正确的是( )。
A.一定要对程序进行定期审查 B.临时程序可以不经批准而在现场使用 C.试用程序可以不经批准而在现场使用,因为不知道程序是否与现 场一致 D.因为程序有错误,所以我不按程序工作 [单选题]成人红骨髓终身都存 在于
A. 尺骨 B. 椎骨 C. 髂骨 D. 股骨 E. 胫骨体 [单选题]室内GIS就位前,作业人员应将作业现场所有孔洞盖严,避免人员摔伤。需建临时载物平台的应进行负载计算,搭设完毕后,经()验收合格后方可使用。
A.监理 B.安全员 C.质检员 D.项目经理 [单项选择]有助于鉴别脊柱结核与椎间盘脱出的征象是()
A. 椎间隙狭窄 B. 椎体骨质增生 C. 椎间盘内信号不均 D. 椎旁软组织肿胀 E. 脊柱曲度异常 [单选题]单相变压器电源电压不变,负载电阻增大,原边电流( )。
A.增大 B.减小 C.不变 D.不一定 [单选题]急性根尖周炎最有效的应急处理是
A.局麻镇痛 B.安抚镇痛 C.患牙调颌镇痛 D.开髓、根管引流 E.服用消炎镇痛药 [单选题]带电线路导线的垂直距离(导线弛度、交叉跨越距离),可用( )测量。
A.皮尺 B.钢卷尺 C.测量仪或使用绝缘测量工具 D.绳索 [单项选择]2008年和2009年两年该市共供应液化石油气( )。
A. 64.7万吨 B. 64.4万吨 C. 64.1万吨 D. 64万吨 [单项选择]I was really shocked that they ______ have behaved so rudely to an old man like him.
A. should B. would C. might D. could [单项选择]面朝变速箱输出轴,变速箱在前进挡时,输出法兰的转动方向是()
A. 顺时针转动 B. 逆时针转动 C. 静止不动 D. 上述说法均不正确 [单选题]21题单选:生产经营单位是安全生产的责任主体,生产经营单位的主要负责人对本单位的安全生产工作全面负责,分管安全生产的负责人________安全生产工作,其他负责人在各自分管业务范围内履行安全生产工作职责。
A.全部责任 B.直接监督管理 C.主要责任 D.领导责任 我来回答: 提交