Some personal characteristics
play a vital role in the development of one’ s intelligence. But people fail to
realize the importance of cultivating these factors in young people. The so-called non-intelligence factors include one’s feelings, will, motivation, interests and habits. After a 30-year follow-up study of 800 males, American psychologists found out that the main cause of disparities(差别)in intelligence is not intelligence itself, but non-intelligence factors including the desire to learn, will-power and self-confidence. Though people all know that one should have definite objectives, a strong will and good learning habits, quite a number of teachers and parents don’t pay much attention to cultivating these factors. Some parents are greatly worried when their children fail to do well in their studies. They blame eit A. teachers give them too much exercises B. parents often blame them for their poor study C. they are afraid of examination D. they lack self-confidence [单选题]地面观测场的人工雨量器的安装高度,以承雨器口在水平状态下至观测场地面的距离计为
( )m。 A.0.5 B. 0.7 C. 0.9 D. 1.5 [判断题]采用驱动带式输送机运输时,机头机尾驱动滚筒和改向滚筒处,应当设防护栏及警示牌。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]列车网络控制权转移的过程中:原主控端拔出主控钥匙,原从节点降级为弱节点,并控制网络继续运行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]大气道阻塞时
A. 呼气费力 B. 呼气时伴有广泛哮鸣音 C. 常伴有湿啰音 D. 常见于支气管哮喘 E. 重者出现吸气时“三凹征” [单项选择]Taking more exercise will prevent you _______weight.
A. to put up B. putting up C. to put on D. putting on [单选题]建国以来,我们在社会主义建设中所经历的曲折和失误,归根到底,就在于没有搞清楚( )。
A. 什么是社会主义,怎样建设社会主义 B. 什么是社会主义的主要矛盾 C. 什么是社会主义的根本任务 D. 什么是社会主义的本质 [单项选择]Rewards and punishments are used in different ways by different communities to maintain social order and preserve cultural values. In all cultures, parents must teach their children to avoid danger and to observe the community’s moral precepts. Adults also condition each other’s observance of social norms, using methods ranging from mild forms of censure, such as looking away when someone makes an inappropriate remark, to imprisoning or executing individuals for behavior considered deviant or dangerous. The caning of American teenager Michael Fay in Singapore for vandalism in 1994 brought wide media attention to cultural differences in the application of punishment. Faced with increasing violence at home, many Americans endorsed Singapore’s use of corporal punishment to maintain social order. Was Fay’s punishment effective Whether he subsequently avoids vandalism is unknown, but the punishment did apparently lead to his avoidance of Singapore—which he left promptly.
The operant te A. To stop giving them pocket money. B. To persuade them in a gentle way. C. To verbally humiliate them. D. To threaten to expel them from the hom [判断题]重大危险源和重大隐患是相同的。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]
A.零位 B.手动 C.自动 D.下方 [单选题] 起飞时的最大刹车温度(刹车风扇关断)为( )?(LIM-LG)
A. 150摄氏度 B. 200摄氏度 C. 300摄氏度 [多选题]使髋关节伸展并能使膝关节屈曲的肌肉有 ( )
A.股二头肌 B.半腱肌 C.半膜肌 D.缝匠肌 E.股直肌 [填空题]HXD1C机车发生惩罚制动时,必须清楚惩罚源条件,必须先解除惩罚源方可进行( )解锁。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]变压器主要由()组成。
A.A.铁芯 B.B.绕组 C.C.分接开关 D.D.绝缘套管 [判断题]中共七大特别强调,党的群众路线是党的根本的政治路线和组织路线。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]三显示自动闭塞区段连续式机车信号机显示一个带“2”字的黄色灯光:要求列车注意运行,表示接近的地面信号机显示一个黄色灯光,预告次一架地面信号机开放经道岔( )位置的进路(但不满足“一个带“2”字的黄色闪光”含义的条件)。(技规)
A.直向 B.侧向 C.反向 D.略 E.略 [单选题]答案范围广且不固定的面试题目类型是()。
A.排序选择型问题 B.开放式问题 C.资源争夺型问题 D.两难式问题 [单项选择]休克型肺炎患者应采取的体位是()
A. 平卧位 B. 平卧位,头抬高15o C. 平卧位,头抬高30o D. 平卧位,头抬高60o E. 头低脚高位 我来回答: 提交