It has been necessary to refer
repeatedly to the .effects of the two world wars in promoting all kind of
innovation. It should be (1) also that technological
innovations have (2) the character of war itself by the
(3) of new mechanical and chemical device. One weapon developed
during World War Ⅱ (4) a special mention. The (5)
of rocket propulsions was well known earlier, and its possibilities as
a (6) of achieving speeds sufficient to escape from the
Earth’s gravitational pull had been (7) by the Russian and
the American scientists. The latter built experimental liquid-fuelled rockets in
1926. (8) , a group of German and Romanian pioneers was
working (9) the same lines and in the 1930s, it was this
team that developed a rocket (10) of delivering a warhead
hundreds of miles aw A. capable B. able C. possible D. suitable [单选题]消防安全必须贯彻( )的方针。
A.安全第一,预防为主 B.群防群制 C.谁主管谁负责 D.预防为主,防消结合 [单项选择]按材料宏观特征的不同,( )具有纤维结构。
A. 玻璃钢 B. 加气混凝土砌块 C. 沥青混凝土 D. 不锈钢 [单选题]()是消防队伍灭火作战的指导原则、
A.救人第一,科学施救 B.先控制、后消灭 C.攻防并举、固移结合 D.集中兵力、准确快速 [单选题]实物管理部门应用实物“ID”开展本专业实物盘点工作,使用移动终端扫描现场实物“ID”标签,自动匹配PMS系统中设备台账的( ),对匹配发现实物、台账不一致的情况,及时治理完善,确保实物与台账一致。
A.设备编码 B.实物“ID” C.资产编号 D.运行编号 [多选题]下列关于《国网安徽省电力有限公司安全生产反违章工作管理规范》管理考核的描述,正确的是( )。
A.发现管理违章和装置违章,应按照岗位职责划分,将违章责任落实到具体人员,并按照标准予以记分和处罚 B.工作负责人(工作班成员)上年度执行工作票数量少于30份时工作任务系数为1.0,大于30份时,每增加20份工作票,工作任务系数降低0.1,最低为0.5。 C.违章记分以1个自然年度为周期,按照分级统计的原则予以累计,不对不同层级查处的违章进行累加。各单位统一应用作业安全管控系统记录、统计、分析反违章管理过程。 D.特别严重违章、严重违章应同时依据违章分析结果和对照安全责任清单追究负有责任的管理人员,其中负主要管理责任的与直接违章人同等经济处罚,负次要管理责任的按照直接违章人30%比例进行经济处罚。 [单项选择]Part 3
Questions 19-25 ·Read the following passage and answer questions 19-25. ·For questions 19-25, choose the correct answer A, B, C and D. ·Mark your answers on the Answer Sheet. While still in its early stages, welfare reform has already been judged a great success in many states, at least UN is getting people off welfare, lt’s estimated that more than two million have left the roles since 1994. In the past four years, welfare in rolls in Athens country has been cut in half. But 70 percent of the people who left in the past two years took jobs that paid less than $6 an hour. The result: The Athens country poverty rate still remains at more than 30 percent—twice the national average. For advocates for the poor, that’s an indication that much more needs to be done. "More people are getting jobs, but it’s not making their lives any better," says Kathy Lairn, a policy analyst at the center in budget and policy pr A. Because their wages are low. B. Because many families are divorced. C. Because the cost of living is rising. D. Because government aid is now rare. [单项选择]设备、工器具价格指数等于( )。
A. ∑(报告期设备工器具单价×报告期购置数量)/∑(基期设备工器具单价×基期购置数量) B. ∑(报告期设备工器具单价×基期购置数量)/∑(基期设备工器具单价×基期购置数量) C. ∑(报告期设备工器具单价×报告期购置数量)/∑(基期设备工器具单价×报告期购置数量) D. ∑(报告期设备工器具单价×报告期购置数量)/∑(报告期设备工器具单价×基期购置数量) [填空题]温热黄酒和日本清酒的方法主要是________法,温热至________℃左右。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]除《行车组织规则》要求或行调指令需原话复诵的命令外,其余命令受令人可简要复诵,但必须复诵原意,不得错漏。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]烟草业仍然是有利可图的。在中国,尽管今年吸烟者中成人人数减少,烟草生产商销售的烟草总量还是增加了。
以下哪项不能用来解释烟草销售量的增长和吸烟者中成人人数的减少 A. 今年中,开始吸烟的妇女数量多于戒烟的男子数量。 B. 今年中,开始吸烟的少年数量多于同期戒烟的成人数量。 C. 今年中,非吸烟者中咀嚼烟草及嗅鼻烟的人多于戒烟者。 D. 今年和往年相比,那些有长年吸烟史的人平均消费了更多的烟草。 E. 今年中国生产的香烟中用于出口的数量高于往年。 [判断题]在新建变电站工程设计中,应掌握工程地点的地形地貌、土壤的种类和分层状况,并提高土壤电阻率的测试深度,当采用四极法时,测试电极极间距离一般不大于拟建接地装置的最大对角线。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]妊娠期母体血液循环系统的变化正确的叙述是()
A. 血浆的增加多于红细胞增加 B. 血液处于高凝状态 C. 心排血量增加 D. 股静脉压升高 E. 心脏向左上移 [单项选择]患儿男,6岁,发病3日,低热乏力颌下淋巴结肿,口腔下前牙侧牙龈出血,口中常有血腥味,口臭明显、疼痛
。如何预防 ()
A. 养成良好口腔卫生习惯,以防复发 B. 炎症控制后,及早拔除病灶牙 C. 使用免疫调解剂,提高免疫力 D. 该病可获终身免疫,一般不复发 E. 骨髓移植,治疗原发病,防止口腔症状再次出现 [多选题]高处作业时,梯子的支柱应能承受攀登时( )的总重量。
A.A.所携带的工具 B.B.材料 C.C.设备 D.D.作业人员 E.略 F.略 G.略 [简答题]购房者个人入户应具备什么条件?
A. KM B. KT C. KA D. KV [单项选择]I don' t think Mr. Watson will come here again today. Please give the ticket to comes here first.
A. whomever B. whom C. who D. whoever 我来回答: 提交