The most effective attacks against
globalization are usually not those related to economies. Instead, they are
social, ethical and, above all, cultural. These arguments surfaced amid the
protests in Seattle in 1999 and more recently in Davos, Bangkok and Prague. They
say this: the disappearance of national borders and the establishment of a world
interconnected by markets will deal a death blow to regional and national
cultures, and to the traditions, customs, myths and mores that determine each
country’s or region’s cultural identity. Since most of the world is incapable of
resisting the invasion of cultural products from developed countries that
inevitably trails the great transnational corporations, North American culture
will ultimately impose itself, standardizing the world and annihilating its
richness A. a country will not be able to maintain its cultural identity in its modernization drive B. modernization is an inevitable result of globalization C. life in old times was more colorful and meaningful than that of today’s world D. countries should strive to reserve their unique customs and practices [单项选择]血清与血浆最重要的区别是( )
A. 血清中缺乏纤维蛋白原 B. 血清中含有大量的清蛋白 C. 血清中缺乏球蛋白 D. 血浆中缺乏某些凝血因子 E. 血浆中含有血小板释放物 [单项选择]肱骨上1/3骨折,骨折线在三角肌止点以上,远折端移位是由于()
A. 三角肌,喙肱肌.肱二头肌,肱三头肌牵拉 B. 背阔肌,胸大肌,大圆肌牵拉 C. 大圆肌,喙肱肌,三角肌牵拉 D. 胸大肌,三角肌,肱二头肌牵拉 E. 肱桡肌,肱肌,三角肌,喙肱肌牵拉 [单选题]遗失票卡当事人员在收到《补款通知单》 起( )到财务处补款, 财务处应出具补款收据。
A. 3 个工作日内 B.5个工作日内 C.3 日内 D.5日内 [单项选择]当外电源接头面板上的“未使用”和“连接”灯亮时表示外电源()
A. 插头接触不良,外电源不能使用 B. 插头接触正常,外电源不能使用 C. 插头接触正常,外电源不能使用 D. 以上答案都不对 [判断题]自动转存型个人结构性存款产品提前到期,总行零售金融部应提前三天在官网上公布终止本产品通知。 厦国银发〔2019〕77号:关于颁发《厦门国际银行股份有限公司境内机构自动转存型个人结构性存款产品管理办法》的通知
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]城市总体规划、村庄和集镇规划,应当与土地利用总体规划相衔接。( )
A. 乙的抵押权优于丙的质权受偿 B. 丙的质权优于乙的抵押权受偿 C. 乙的抵押权与丙的质权按比例同时受偿 D. 乙的抵押权与丙的质权谁先受偿应由他们抓阄决定 [简答题]范例法的特点是什么?
[多选题]若下列行为尚未构成犯罪,应当给予治安管理处罚的是( )。
A.张某利用互联网传播淫秽视频 B.李某利用座机电话传播淫秽语音信息 C.郑某利用手机传播淫秽短信息 D.孙某利用即时通讯工具传播淫秽电子图片 我来回答: 提交