Self-esteem is a private, individual matter. It goes
up and down from day to day, or even from hour to hour. Thus, strengthening
self-esteem is no easy task. But managers can help improve employees’
self-esteem in the following ways. Firstly, they must create a work environment that invites people to feel good about themselves and the work they do. They must not damage or lower the self-esteem of others. Managers should avoid something said or done to someone that wears away their feelings of self worth and satisfaction in performance. For example, it is unacceptable to greet a lazy employee with comments like "Late again! You win the prize for being the least reliable person here." Secondly, they must develop ways of communicating real respect and concern to the employees by actively helping them improve their self-image and to feel bette A. Importance of Self-esteem. B. The Role of Managers. C. The Praises for Employees. D. Improvement of Self-esteem. [单选题]
某断路器合闸接触器的线圈电阻为600Ω,直流电源为220V,则重合闸继电器的额定电流应选择(____)A。 A. 0.15 B. 0.25 C. 0.35 D. 0.5 [单选题]当辅助交流电源故障时,客室、司机室的应急通风(通风量为 4000 m3/h)和紧急照明由蓄电池供电,能够维持 ( ) 。
A.40min B.45min C.60min D.30min [单选题]在核保核押岗模块下的保证担保合同菜单下,找到待签订的保证担保合同,点击“合同详情”按钮,进入担保合同列表,选择(),完成保证担保合同签订。
A.未签订的合同 B.未签订的担保合同 C.未签订的抵质押合同 D.未签订的展期合同 [多选题]根据《商业银行信用卡业务监督管理办法》规定,信用卡营销行为应当符合以下哪些条件:()
A.营销宣传材料真实准确 B.营销人员必须佩戴所属银行的标识 C.营销人员可以快速发卡名义营销信用卡 D.营销人员应当严格遵守对客户资料保密的原则 [多选题]利率市场化形成机制的组成部分包括( )。
A.市场基准利率体系 B.以中央银行政策利率为核心的利率调控机制 C.金融机构和企业的市场定价能力 D.金融机构和企业的利率风险管理能力 E.市场浮动利率体系 [单项选择]五脏中,具有"刚脏"特性的是()。
A. 心 B. 肺 C. 脾 D. 肝 E. 肾 [单选题]Offs偏移指令参考的坐标系是( )。
A.A 大地坐标系 B.B 当前使用的工具坐标系 C.C 当前使用的工件坐标系 D.D 基坐标系 [单项选择]Access中,以下哪个不属于查询操作方式( )。
A. 字段值大于某个值 B. 字段值小于某个值 C. 字段值在某一数值范围内 D. 字段值在给定的数值列表中 [判断题] ( ) 工作人员接受的集体剂量小的辐射实践就是正当的。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]使用锯床时,工件应夹牢,长的工件(____)应垫牢,并防止工件锯断时伤人。
A.前段$ B.$两头$ C.$全部$ D.$后段 [单选题]"安全切断阀的作用是( )。
A.保护用户 B. 保护上游管线 C. 自动切断 D.自动打开。" 我来回答: 提交