Frank Lloyd Wright probably is the
greatest architect that the United States has ever produced. He was very
(21) and had a natural ability (22) . His
buildings were not only beautiful, but they were (23)
functional. They fit their purposes very well. Wright’s churches,
(24) make people feel like (25) . His
office buildings make people (26) working, and his houses
make people (27) comfortable, at home. However. Wright’s
beautiful, (28) buildings are not the only reason
(29) he is famous. There is another reason. Frank Lloyd Wright is called the greatest American architect because he started an American style (30) . Most of the architecture in the U. S. before Wright was really European, (31) . Wright’s buildings do not (32) old European buildings. They have the A. Most B. Both C. Either D. None [填空题] 《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程Q/CSG 51001-2015》14.3.11在杆塔上水平使用梯子时,应使用特制的专用梯子。工作前应将梯子( )与( )可靠连接,一般应由一人在梯子上工作。
[多项选择]在当事人提出请求的情况下,下列哪些案件应当适用听证程序( )
A. 当事人对行政机关作出的吊销卫生许可证处罚不服的 B. 当事人对行政机关作出的罚款2000元的处罚不服的 C. 当事人对行政机关作出的警告处罚不服的 D. 当事人对行政机关作出的暂扣营业执照处罚不服的 [填空题]安全目标包括结果性指标和()。
[判断题]关节活动范围是指组成关节的两骨之间的固定夹角。( )
[单项选择]卫星通信中人造地球卫星作为( )转发或反射无线电信号。
A. 放大器 B. 接收器 C. 发射器 D. 中继站 [单项选择]假设一进口啤酒净含量为330ml,则单件商品最大允差为()ml
A. 3.3 B. 6.6 C. 9.9 D. 14.85 [判断题]民航安检机构应当根据本机构民航安检工作质量控制管理规定负责组织、评估质量控制活动。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交