One-room Schools One-room schools are part of the heritage of the United States, and the mention of them makes people feel a vague longing for "the way things were". One-room schools are an endangered species (濒于灭绝的物种), however. For more than a hundred years, one-room schools have been systematically (系统地) shut down (关闭) and their students away to centralized schools. As recently as 1930 there were 149, 000 one-room schools in the United States. By 1970 there were 1, 800. Today, of the nearly 800 remaining one-room schools, more than 350 are in Nebraska. The rest are scattered through a few other states that have on their road maps wide-open spaces between towns. Now that there are hardly any left, educators are beginning to think that A. don’t like centralized schools. B. received education in one-room schools. C. prefer rural life to urban one. D. come from other states. [多选题]闸机PCM板的输入电压包括______。
A.AC22V B.AC24V C.AC36V D.DC48V [多选题]现场防护员应根据施工作业现场()等情况确定站位和移动路径,并做好自身防护。
A.地形条件 B.列车运行特点 C.施工人员 D.机具布置 [单选题] 简易紧急制动阀一般用于需接通自动制动系统的( )作业。
A. 驼峰 B. 牵引 C. 溜放 D. 推进 [判断题]《中国铁路上海局集团有限公司旅客遗失物品管理办法》(上铁客〔2017〕456号)规定,站段对遗失物品进行处理后,应报集团公司客运部备案。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]车辆稳定性是指车辆在行驶过程中抵抗倾覆翻车和侧向滑移的能力,它分纵向稳定性和横向稳定性。
[单项选择]小张2008年3月3日购买新房,当年3月20日申请住房抵押贷款,当年4月2日银行放款。2009年4月7日,小张申请将原住房抵押贷款转为个人抵押授信贷款,则该授信贷款有效期间起始日为( )。
A. 2008年3月12日 B. 2008年3月19日 C. 2008年4月1日 D. 2009年4月6日 [填空题]A.就是说,一个事物,不但要看到它的正面
B.我们不论认识什么事物都必须全面地看 C.否则,就不能比较完全地、正确地认识 D.也要看到它的反面 [单选题]一切生物进行生命活动需要的物质和能量都是通过( )提供的。
A.内源呼吸 B.外源呼吸 C.合成代谢 D.分解代谢 我来回答: 提交