Mrs. Brown had a small garden behind
her house, and in the spring she planted some vegetables in it. She looked after
them very carefully, and when summer came they looked very nice. One evening Mrs. Brown looked at her vegetables and said, "Tomorrow I am going to pick them, and then we can eat them. "But early the next morning, her son ran into the kitchen and shouted, "Mum, Mum! Come quickly! Our neighbor’s ducks are in the garden and they are eating our vegetables!" Mrs. Brown ran out, but it was too late! All the vegetables were finished! Mrs. Brown cried, and her neighbor was very sorry, but that was the end of the vegetables. Then a few days before Christmas, the neighbor brought Mrs. Brown a parcel (bt). In it was a beautiful fat duck, and on [单选题]以下疾病哪种属于Ⅱ型超敏反应
A.支气管哮喘 B.血清病 C.接触性皮炎 D.新生儿溶血症 E.SLE [单项选择]产后2个月的哺乳期妇女,其避孕方法应首选()
A. 宫内节育器 B. 口服避孕药 C. 阴茎套 D. 安全期避孕 E. 闭经可不避孕 [单项选择]下列哪项是异位妊娠的超声表现()
A. 附件区显示形状不规则包块 B. 宫腔空虚 C. 直肠子宫陷凹有积液 D. 宫旁包块内可见妊娠囊 E. 以上都是 [判断题]按照一级运输警卫方案办理的科学尖端保密产品和重要保密物资运输,不填制货票。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]低压带电作业时一人监护,一人操作。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]当( )时车道自动拦截车辆提示转人工处理。收费员以出口车牌、车型(轴数)发起计费请求根据返回的计费信息进行收费。
A..OBU和ETC卡内车牌信息不一致 B..OBU、ETC卡超过有效期 C..OBU、ETC卡在状态名单 D..储值卡余额不足 [单选题]腹部内脏脱出的伤员紧急处理后转运时,应取
A.头低足高位 B.头高足低位 C.仰卧位 D.中凹卧位 E.侧卧位 [判断题] 云计算环境下,机密性、完整性、可用性仍然是用户侧的根本安全需求。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]
W股份有限公司(以下简称W公司)为增值税一般纳税企业,适用的增值税税率为17%。商品销售价格中均不含增值税额。销售成本随着销售同时结转。该公司以销售商品、零配件及提供劳务为主营业务。 [填空题]
A. 提高费用、时间和资源估算的准确性 B. 确定在履行合同义务期间对工程进行测量和控制的基准 C. 明确划分部分的权力和责任,便于清楚地分派任务 D. 明确希望所达到的目标 E. 做好工程项目计划的实施安排 [单项选择]健康教育学属于( )
A. 护理学科 B. 教育学科 C. 人文学科 D. 综合应用学科 E. 交叉边缘学科 [多选题] 办理行政案件中,下列关于检查的说法正确的是( )。 (1分)
A.对卖淫人员进行性病检查,应当由医生进行 B.被检查人拒绝在检查笔录上签名的,人民警察应当在笔录上注明 C.检查妇女的身体,应当由女性工作人员进行 D.对确有必要立即对某场所开展检查时,也应经领导审批,持审批后相关文件进行检查 [单选题]将二进制小数0.1010101111转换成相应的八进制数,其正确结果是( )。
A.0.2536 B.0.5274 C.0.5236 D.0.5281 [单选题]下列级别中,不属于全国公路建设从业单位信用评价等级的是( )。
A.E级 B.AA级 C.D级 D.B级 [单选题]89.哪项不是腹水浓缩回输疗法的禁忌证
A.癌性腹水 B.感染性腹水 C.肝肾综合征 D.血性腹水 E.近期有消化道出血 [单选题] 电气控制线路,一般是由执行对电动机的控制。
A.按钮 B.接触器 C.熔断器 D.热继电器 [单项选择]()主要是测量过程中某些意外发生的不正常因素造成的。
A. 系统误差 B. 随机误差 C. 环境误差 D. 粗大误差 [单选题]某工厂生产的零件总数是一个三位数,平均每个车间生产了35个。统计员在记录时粗心地将该三位数的百位与十位数字对调了,结果统计的零件总数比实际总数少了270个。问该工厂所生产的零件总数最多可能有多少个?( )
A.525 B.630 C.855 D.960 [不定项选择题]流行过程的基本条件是
A.散发、流行、暴发流行 B.患者病原携带者,受感染的动物 C.传染源、传播途径、易感人群 D.自然因素、社会因素 E.周围性、地区性、季节性 [多选题]火灾现场按其形成后有无变动,可分为( )
A.纵火现场 B.原始现场 C.变动现场 D.爆炸现场 [单项选择]以下哪种CT征象最有助于脑外肿瘤的诊断()
A. 边界不清 B. 肿瘤沿脑镰或天幕生长 C. 同侧脑室受压移位 D. 病变与颅板交界呈钝角 E. 血管源性水肿 [单选题]接地线截面不应小于 ( ),并应满足装设地点短路电流的要求。
A.15mm2 B.20mm2 C.25mm2 D.30mm2 [判断题]对VC4,AU-PTR指的是J1字节的位置,对于VC12,TU-PTR指的是V5字节的位置。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]C公司的银行存款日记账和总账期末余额为1 570万元,注册会计师J向银行函证的该银行账户的银行对账单的期末余额为1 577.10万元,经注册会计师检查银行日记账和银行对账单,发现以下未达事项:(1)银行代扣代缴的水电费5万元,公司尚未入账;(2)银行收到的销售回款10万元,公司尚未入账; (3)企业开出的面值为2万元的现金支票,持票人尚未提现;(4)银行存款利息1 000元,企业尚未入账。注册会计师J认为年末资产负债表中银行存款余额为( )元。
A. 1 568 B. 1 570 C. 1 575.10 D. 1 577.10 [简答题]下面是在必然性和偶然性关系问题上的材料:
材料1 霍尔巴赫认为,一切都是必然的,没有偶然性。偶然性这个词是没有意义的“空洞语词”。偶然性是我们对产生结果的原因愚昧无知造成的,我们把看不出同原因相联系的结果归之于偶然性。 ——摘自《十八世纪法国哲学》 材料2 毕尔生说,必然性只属于概念的世界,而不属于现实世界本身。莫诺认为,偶然性是生命起源和发展的全部基础,生物进化本质上是由无法预测的纯粹偶然变化造成的,人类的出现也不过是“蒙特卡诺赌窟里中签得彩的号码”,是纯粹的偶然性。 ——转引自《历史唯物主义原理》 材料3 黑格尔认为,必然性和偶然性是“绝对观念”发展的有区别又有联系的两个环节。必然性根据于事物自身,偶然性根据于他物;偶然的东西是必然的;科学和哲学的任务“在于从偶然性中去认识必然性”。 ——摘自《小逻辑》 请回答:在必然性与偶然性的关系问题上 (1)材料1的哲学观点和错误。 (2)材料2的哲学观点和错误。 (3)材料3的贡献和错误。 [不定项选择题]共用题干
Battle Hymn of Tiger Mother
In general,I think Western parenting gives children too much freedom at too young an age.The average American child spends almost 70 percent more time watching television than attending school.In the recent PISA international tests,the US came out an embarrassing 23rd in science and 34th in math一with Shanghai children ranked No 1.Western children have alarming rates of alcohol and drug abuse and teenage pregnancy,too.On the other hand,American universities continue to be the envy of the world,and the US excels at teaching creativity,innovation and leadership. What are the lessons for China then?Here are a few things China may be able to learn from the West. First,while children in the West have too much choice,their counterparts in China may have too little.In between school,tutoring and lessons,many Chinese children work nonstop,getting little opportunity to have fun with friends,explore on their own and discover what they truly enjoy.What I learned is that as children grow up,parents should listen to their choices more carefully and gradually give them more freedom to pursue their own passions. Second,Chinese parents should pay more attention to their children's individual personalities. Every child is different. So depending on children's natural predispositions(秉性),different career paths will make them happy. Some people may find it more fulfilling to become a photographer or fashion designer instead of a doctor. If Chinese parents become more open-minded in what they consider"success",it may help lessen the intense competition and pressure that many Chinese children feel. Finally,Chinese parents are good at getting their children to memorize,practice and drill一skills I believe the West needs more of一but they should also find ways to encourage creativity and initiative.My daughters were lucky because my husband taught them the value of independent thinking. He always asked"why".Just because someone told you so,how do you know it's right? Parenting is the hardest job I've ever had.When Lulu rebelled and I began questioning everything I'd done.I feel very lucky that I adjusted in time一today my daughters and I are close friends一and I wanted to share my story with other mothers,because we are all struggling with the same problem:how can we raise happy,strong,self-reliant children? Western parents needs to get their children memorize and practice and drill to encourage their initiative. A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned [单选题]可作对掌运动的关节是
A.腕掌关节 B.掌指关节 C.桡腕关节 D.腕骨间关节 E.拇指腕掌关节 [判断题]孕期、产期、哺乳期未满时,合同期已满,用人单位可以解聘女职工( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]流行性脑脊髓膜脑炎可有
A. 惊厥停止后神志即恢复正常 B. 脑膜刺激征阳性 C. 皮肤有出血点 D. 呕吐、腹泻 E. 神志不清 [单项选择]境外投资比较常见的方式是:( )。
A. 资产交易 B. 股权交易 C. 资产和股权结合 D. 货币交易 [多项选择]调控价格总水平主要依靠运用( ),调节社会总需求,从而间接影响价格总水平。
A. 货币政策 B. 财政政策 C. 国际收支管理政策 D. 产业政策 E. 收入分配政策 [单选题]二进制数11011101转换为十进制数是( )。(中)(基础知识)
A.220 B.221 C.251 D.321 [单选题]在公路上进行有限空间作业时,应按交通疏导要求设置专用( )标志。
A.A.危险警告 B.B.交通警示 C.C.作业信息 [判断题]二次系统上的工作,在全部或部分带电的运行屏(柜)上进行工作时,应将检修设备与运行设备以明显的标志隔开。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交