PROCESS{{/B}} Different cultures will influence expectations as to what the specific process and outcome will look like. The expectations revolve around four key areas: Underlying View of the Process. People may view the negotiation process as cooperative (win- win) or competitive (win-lose). Some people will seek{{U}} (21) {{/U}}advantage; others won’t Making assumptions about which view the other side will take can be misleading and even dangerous. Approach to Building Agreement. US negotiators often seek agreement on specif A. resume B. continue C. sustain D. proceed [单选题]给定关系模式R(U,
F),其中,属性集U={城市,街道,邮政编码},函数依赖集F={(城市,街道)→邮政编码,邮政编码→城市}。关系R( )
A.只有1个候选关键字“城市,街道” B.只有1个候选关键字“街道,邮政编码” C.有2个候选关键字“城市,街道”和“街道,邮政编码” D.有2个候选关键字“城市,街道”和“城市,邮政编码” [单项选择]Questions 14 to 17 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.
Now, listen to the passage. Which of the following is NOT true to the passage A. Tears can help to protect our eyes. B. Teenage girls cry four times as often as boys. C. People who cry more must feel better than otherwise. D. We cannot imagine life without tears. [判断题]东风8B型机车的控制用风系统用来供给电气系统中的磁场削弱、制动接触器、电空阀及转换开关电空阀等电器的动力风缸用风。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]根据马斯洛的需要层次理论,获得友好和睦的同事关系的需要属于()。
A. 生理需要 B. 安全需要 C. 归属和爱的需要 D. 尊重的需要 [单选题]下列描写“气候”的是( )。
A.四时皆是夏,有雨便是秋 B.今年寒到江乡早,未及中秋见雁飞 C.夜来风雨声,花落知多少 D.东边日出西边雨 [判断题]A型性格中对健康有害的因子是敌意。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 一般交流电源用于小电流.快速引弧.短焊缝.高速焊接场合,所采用焊剂的稳弧性较差及对焊接参数稳定性有较高要求的场合。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]火场上的破拆属于()灭火法。
A.冷却 B.抑制 C.隔离 D.窒息 [多选题]信号机械室(计算机机房)、( )表示盘等固定良好、安装牢固、不倾斜,并有防震措施;同一排机柜(架)平直,且连接牢固;室内及设备应清洁。
A.电源室 B.中继站 C.机柜(架) D.控制台 [单选题]70mm
A.70mm B.75mm C.65mm D.80mm 我来回答: 提交